V. Harmonious Danger

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Summary : You find each other in the melodies.. but Wednesday found something else – something more.

Warning (s) : cursing, no blood this time wow.

A/N : Almost the end!!! Personally I can’t wait for it LMAO. Enjoy and please leave me feedback :) anything would be greatly appreciated. <3

Part 5 of 6.


Wednesday had been anxious all week. Not that anyone would be of knowledge, nor would she care if they did – just as she hadn’t cared of their incessant whispers in regards of her relationship with you. Had it been anyone else, they might’ve been flattered by the attention of their blossoming love, denying any type of assumptions while blushing all the same. Wednesday would know; it was how Enid had acted when she caught her snogging Ajax for the first time. She couldn’t say being under their scrutiny was a pleasant feeling, but again, she’d never bothered to stretch her hearing to make out their useless gossips.

It did change, however, when they started whispering about you. They started as little mindless shows of dislike over your tendencies to prank them for fun, until they became strange, too specific threats that they could perform on you as payback. Wednesday knew they were only empty promises, but they didn’t stop her blood from boiling – it was the same sensation as the one she’d felt the night she came across the hellfire raining down around you.

Needless to say, some vampires had suddenly got severe burns on their skin, a few even hospitalized for having consumed a huge amount of garlic – though it was a common occurrence, the atrocity of it all only had the fingers pointed at one person. Not that they were brave enough to challenge her and put their lives on the line, despite being partly immortal.

The gossips tuned down after that. Wednesday was satisfied with the solitude it left her with, yet the constant hovering from you was something she’d gotten so used to that it felt.. quaint, that there was no shadows trailing along with her. It was partly her fault, even she wasn’t naïve enough to disregard the fact – she’d been sure to avoid all places that screamed alone, and somewhere you could corner her into throwing up her dismay over the little session they had in the corridor. Unbeknownst to her, the attempt at turning the other way each time she spotted you had only became so easy because you were doing the exact same thing.

It didn’t stop her from stealing a few glances in between classes, peeking through the glass house in botany to spy on you, which she had excused with having to think of a new prank to pull when Enid questioned her behavior.

Unfortunately, her investigations on your background had a fallout since her irrational actions that still haunted her dreams at night – if only she knew how bad yours had become.

Screams were usually muffled with your pillow, but it wasn’t rare that you awoke with sweat clinging to your skin, her lifeless body swinging along with the winds shading your vision each time you dared to blink.

You’re so close. You shouldn’t be – you knew it. You were getting closer, and it terrified you to the brim, the fear coursing through your body so fierce that no methods of torment could ever compare. For years, pleasing your mother was the only thing on your mind; letting her experiment, bidding her wishes. Now, the thought of it made you pause, reluctance coating your heart and dread rising up your throat as you questioned her request.

It’s simple, she assured, a wicked smile stretching her cheeks and a few wrinkles forming around her eyes. I’ll guide you along the way. She tried, didn’t she? But even the smartest of scientists should know that releasing a subject into the open world wouldn’t be such a good idea. Once you’d had the taste of freedom, you never wish to be in shackles ever again; so it took everything in you to rid yourself of them. It worked. Only partly.

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