🔞 Steve and a Vampire (Part 2)

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Once I heard a moan I quickly pulled back from the taste of his sweet blood, apologizing heavily.

"I'm I'm so sorry," I said rather quickly. "It's been so long since I bit someone I forgot it had that affect on people," I pause looking down, scared of how he might responed. "I- I'm so sorry,"

"Iz-izzy, shhhhh. I have a headache," he paused looking up at my very confused face. "Y'know from all the blood loss,"

"Oh ya, I'm sorry. Let's get you out of here," I say whilst reaching out my left hand for him to take.

"Thank you," He slured his words as he stumbled forward.

"We need to get you to the ship, come on,"

"It's. . . a. . . jet Iz," he said stumbling forward into the sunlight.

Somehow I completely forgot there was such thing as sun and fell back to the shadows leaving Steve stranded in the sun. I could smell the scent of his skin ever so slowly burning from my venom laced in his bloodstream.

Quickly I ripped my cape off and draped it over Steve as I braced the sun and it's hurtful daggers as they slowly burn my skin. I walk Steve to the ship making sure he's ok.

"Izreal, you are so burnt,"

"I. . . know. . . I had to make sure Steve was protected," as I finished talking Steve and I both collapse to the ground.

"Oh, shit they are both down," Clint said shocked.

"Bruce bring the medkit," Natasha yelled as she picked me up to place me on a row of seats.

"No, I'm fine, Steve has a stab wound," I groan as I try to get up.

"Sit. Your. Ass. Back. Down," Natasha said slowly with a murderous look in her eye.

"Yes, ma'am," I said absolutely petrified.

"You hear that Bruce," Natasha yelled.

"On it," Bruce yelled from the other side of the ship.

I groan as Natasha dabs a damp cool cloths on my burns.

"That fucking hurts," I say swatting Natasha's hand away from my arm.

All she did was glare at me until I put my arm back to where she could treat it again.

"They should chain him up," I mumble to myself while looking over the Steve.

"What was that," Natasha asked side eyeing me.

"Steve," I said still eyeing Steve's half contious body as Bruce treats him.

"What about him,"

"I turned Steve," I responded turning back toward Natasha.

"What, YOU DID WHAT," She raised her voice, completely shocked and confused at what I said.

"He got bit by some of the other vampires when I was helping you and Clint, but when I found him he had been stabbed and in the process of being turned. . . He didn't want to be turned by the bloodsucking ticks, he asked me too," I explan plainly.

"Oh my,"

"He should be chained up, his bloodlust will grow unimaginably,"

"I'll be right back then," She said before slapping a cold new rag on my burns causing me to hiss through the pain.

The next thing I now Natasha made her way back over to me.

"They are going to sedate him until we get to the tower, will that harm Steve," She asked making intense eye contact.

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