page 2, boxes filled with books

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[continued of flashback]

a week passed, sunghoon was lacking of hope that sunoo is alright, he heard that something serious happened from minjun. he always made sure to pass by his classroom during break to see if he is there but no, his chair was always empty.

"ding ding!" the bell rang, the teacher took her leave and the students rushed down to eat. sunghoon didn't had any appetite till he saw a hand holding a piece of bread filled with delicious jam. sunghoon stomach grumbled when he smelled the scent of it, he looked up and saw it was minjun.

"sunghoon i have a extra piece you can have it since i am not that hungry." sunghoon gulped and rejected her offer. minjun sighed ready to start nagging at him, "you think i'm dumb? it's so obvious your acting this way because of sun-' sunghoon slapped minjun's hand and stood up. "come out with me, i don't want to get exposed.."


"how did you know that i like sunoo, is it that obvious, if so how, what, why-" sunghoon whisper loudly in confusion, "shush sunghoon, ever since he didn't came to school you had been acting wonky and moody. don't worry though, it's only me who knows."

"ugh. just keep it as a secret please." sunghoon begged minjun. "of course! i wouldn't want to spill someone's secret, but in one condition though." an evil smirk appeared. "not this crap again." sunghoon thought to himself and sighed.

"just hangout with me once a week!" sunghoon eyes opened in disbelief. "that's all?" minjun nodded her head, "and also accept this piece of bread" she handed sunghoon the bread which was squashed due to minjuns fingers. minjun then took her leave, "it's alright.. just accept her kindness" sunghoon thought and smiled a little, he then went for a walk while eating the bread.

he decided to pass by sunoo's class with hope. but all was crashed when he saw a teacher taking out books from sunoo's locker and placing it in a box. he knew what was going on since he watched a lot of k-dramas about this, the teacher then sensed that someone was looking at her. "oh hi sunghoon!" the teacher waved trying to use her body to hide what was going on. "miss lee.. what are you doing?" sunghoon asked looking a little soulless.

"i'm just clearing a students locker.. some unfortunate accident happened and he moved to another school, oh also can you help me throw out this piece of paper? thanks! see you around sunghoon." she then carried the box and head to the staffroom sighing as she didn't want anyone to know in the first place.

sunghoon shoved the last bite of bread in his mouth and opened the paper knowing that it's the one he written. on it, it says 'you mean the world to me, without you my life has no meaning.' his heart broke, knowing that it just happened.

[end of flashback]

"wow.. really hope you can find her again.. please give a clap for sunghoon's heartwarming story!" the interviewer then proceed with the show.

sunghoon finally finished the interview and thanked everyone in his dressing room, he wore layers of protection to cover his identity as he insisted that he doesn't need a ride. he felt quite relieved that he could go home walking as he wanted some fresh air although he is wearing a mask.

sunghoon finally stepped out of the building. he decided to scroll through twitter, seeing that there was a tweet about him trending called #sunghoonlover, deciding to click on it, he scrolled through many fangirls tweeting.

'oh how i wish i could be her.. '

'she's so lucky! i also want a husband material that is like sunghoon!'

sunghoon was slightly giggling until he got surprised that a petal fell on his phone, "oh the cherry blossoms bloomed." he then saw another one falling infront of him. just then a familiar face caught his attention. he was wearing a coat due to the cold weather and reading a book while sitting on the bench crossed leg while smiling, his memory snapped, he recognises that lovely smile.

just then memories come flashing to his mind, he then felt heavy and fell on the ground. passerby noticed it was sunghoon as his mask slip down and locals started crowding him. some were taking pictures and some were calling for help. luckily he was near his company building and a few guards decide to bring him to the nearest car in the carpark.

thank god there was not a lot of passerby, but that moment sunghoon turned his head, he couldn't spot him due to the amount of people behind him. sunghoon again felt heart broken, in his head knowing that..

"damn it, i lost my chance."

a/n: next update on valentines!!

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