page 50, petals of you

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"i heard that the cherry blossoms are blooming soon or something." minjun munched on her snacks while talking to sunghoon. "what are you trying to say here." sunghoon looked over glaring. "i'm trying to say that, it's literally such a rare time for it to bloom!" minjun talked while having unswallowed snacks in her mouth.

"wait your right it's only july.." sunghoon came to realisation. "didn't your first saw him under the cherry blossom tree or something, you should probably confess to him somewhere there, it can add a meaningfullness to your speech." minjun threw another snack in her mouth.

"well yeah, i guess so.. but i literally do not know how to do it.." sunghoon plopped back on the couch, he remember the amount of courage he took to finally confess to sunoo but only to get ruined when sunoo had a emergency to go to.

"it's not that hard trust me." minjun patted his back. "not that hard, of course for you! you literally met your boyfriend on that dating app or website!" sunghoon shot up in defense, minjun slightly choked, giving up, she decided to let sunghoon win this round of arguement.

"you know we almost got caught by sunoo when we got back those decorations you wanted? just because you wanna see your sweetie pie." minjun snorted. jihoon slightly laughed but snapped back, "anyways here's the decoration, good luck!"

"as always.. fanboy behaviour."

"should i do it tonight? or tomorrow? or maybe next week? when should i do the confession.." sunghoon felt frustrated. "geez calm down. do it by this week, university is going to start for him soon." jungwon reminded him. sunghoon just excused himself to use the bathroom, as he exited jungwons room he heard a captivating voice singing.

he peeked and saw that it was jihoon helping sunoo for the singing competition, "damn, he really is good at singing."

"i will do it tonight." sunghoon sigh in defeat, it took jungwon ages to ask sunghoon to fasten up the process or else another plot twist is going to happen. "tonight? then we need to get preparing now!" jungwon silently squeaked. he rushed towards minjuns room and burst open the door, "minjun, you know i love you very much as a little brother right?" jungwon eyes sparkled.

"what do you want now." minjun looked over. "sunghoon wants to confess to sunoo and i need you to help me distract sunoo by bringing him out to somewhere far and meet us at xxxx." jungwon rapped it out. "can you say it again.. sunghoon wants to what?" minjun snapped back to reality.

"geez i never thought he would suddenly change his mind, he literally said next week!" minjun wore his coat ready to meet sunoo downstairs. "i technically convinced him to do it so nothing else happens." jungwon shrugged.

"such a impatient younger brother."

"minjun! why did you want to meet me all of a sudden, thank god i finished reading at the library just now when i saw your text." sunoo waved excitedly, he have never got alone time with minjun before and he always wished he had. "well technically i got coupons and the rest of them are too lazy to do stuff so.. yeah."

"hm okay! let's go then!"

both of them went to a special place with lots of cherry blossom trees, as they walked to different parts of every area, minjun could already feel her legs giving in but for the sake of her friend she must make sure that this plan goes well.

"you haven't use your coupon yet minjun, which shop are we supposed to go?" sunoo realised. "not yet, there's a timing when it starts." minjun broke eye contact. "uh.. let's go to the cafe down there! we haven't got food since we went out."

"good thing you said that cause my stomach is growling." sunoo rubbed his stomach.

as sunoo and minjun waited for their drinks, minjun decided to start another conversation, "do you know that the cherry blossoms are blooming soon?" she told the news. "no.. izn't it too early though? it's such a rare time for it to bloom."

petals of you ; sunsunWhere stories live. Discover now