We meet again

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Darkstalker POV
I was just chilling as a rain and night wing hybrid but I came across a seawing child so I went over to him and I noticed a paper sticking out of his bag so I grabbed it and I took out the paper I had that I took from kinkajou and I burned them and I turned back to a ice and night wing hybrid and the seawing turned into "Fathom?!" I yelled then he flew away so I flew after him and I got up to him and knocked him towards the mountain and his body hit the mountain side so he fell and rolled down and finally landed laying on his stomach with his wings spread out so I landed on his wings and I sat down on his back and Fathom groaned so I chose to get revenge on him for trapping me away forever so I stood up and I bent down my front body into a bow and I bit his neck and I didn't let go and every time he struggled I bit harder and he started heavily breathing "D-DarkS-Stalker let g-go of m-me" he said but I just bit harder but I let go of his neck and I laid on my stomach and his back with my wings folded then I bent down my neck to lick the bloody bite mark so the wound stop bleeding and his tail moved so I used my tail to move his tail back then our tails entwined with each other and we blushed but we calmed down "why are you here Fathom" I asked him "to make sure your stopped but it seems I was too late" Fathom said "well we meet again my good friend" I said as I dug my claws into his upper back and Fathom growled in pain as blood dripped from his back so I took my claws out from his back and I licked the wound then I grabbed the front of his neck and I licked the back of his neck "you smell disgusting Fathom" I told him and I went back to licking his neck to clean him "ah~" he moaned and I blushed "can you not moan" I said and he looked embarrassed "sorry Darkstalker but can you get off" Fathom asked "how do I know that you won't escape" I said "I won't escape Darkstalker" Fathom said and he had some tears rolling down his face so I got up and walked forward going off him then I stopped and I turned to face him then I sat down and he sat up so I pushed his head down with my talons "stay down Fathom" I demanded "get your talons off me Darkstalker" Fathom yelled and I got angry "you do not tell me what to do Seawing got it I will make you do what I made my father do" I threatened him "n-no p-please don't m-make me d-disassemble myself" He cried while covering his head so I moved his talons and I patted his head "don't worry I won't do that to you, you are still my friend why would I kill you" I said smiling then I gave him a kiss on the head "now stop whining before I send you to sleep" I said and he blushed "DARKSTALKER" he yelled "were friends" Fathom said and I blushed "not like that" I yelled

Ancient Love (Darkstalker x Fathom)Where stories live. Discover now