Chapter 6

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Fathom POV
I was walking then I heard a roar and by the sound it was Darkstalker and from where it was coming from it was the Rain forest so I spread my wings and set off into the sky and landed at Darkstalker's location "what happened here" I asked "he's attacking" Glory said "you attacked me first" Darkstalker said "your a threat" Glory yelled "your a jerk" Darkstalker argued so I interfered "everyone stop fighting" I yelled then they stopped but Darkstalker fainted from all the tranquilizer darts in his back so I caught him and flew off with him then I set him down near a fire and slept beside him it was the next day and I woke up to Darkstalker nuzzling me and I laughed as I pushed his snout away "stop that tickles" I said as he resisted my push but he kept nuzzling my stomach so I tackled him and he fell down then I got on top of him and started nuzzling his stomach then he started laughing but we got interrupted by Clear sight so I stopped "hey Clear sight" I said as Darkstalker looked bored "hey Fathom" she responded "what's wrong with him" she asked "he's bored" I said "why" she asked "you interrupted our time alone" he said "oh" she said as we all talked Darkstalker grabbed a hold of me and he held me close to him so I just started to wiggle in his grasp to play around then clear sight left so I got out of Darkstalkers grasp and I started tackling him though he tackled back and we had fun but night came and we fell asleep

(Sorry for vanishing for a while)

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