Chapter 5

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Fathom POV
I woke up to Darkstalker nudging me so I got up "yes" I said and he just looked at me before hugging me "I'm sorry about last night" he said "it's ok" I said smiling then I grabbed the sides of his head and I kissed the top of his head before running towards the water to drink and he came with but he looked at me "better not be thinking like that" I said "what no I was just wondering something" he responded "oh" I said before drinking more water then heading off for a flight and I landed on a mountain and he landed so we kissed and laid down but Clearsight was following us so she landed "hello" she said "hi" I responded "wanna play truth or dare" she asked and I agreed but Darkstalker disagreed "awe but Darkstalker please" I begged "no Fathom" he said but Clearsight whispered in my ear and I blushed but I just wanted him to play "c'mon daddy play truth or dare" I begged and he turned blue "fine just don't call me Daddy" he said "no promises" I said and we played "Fathom truth or dare" Clearsight asked "dare" I said "I dare you to hit Darkstalker" Clearsight said and I slapped him and he looked angry "Fathom truth or dare" Darkstalker asked "wait ain't it my tur-" I got cut off by his evil glare "uhhh truth" I said "will you marry me" he asked before pulling out a ring and tears rolled down my eyes as I pounced at him giving him a hug as well as kissing him and he put the ring on my ring talon years have past and we lived happily but Foeslayer would embarrass me and Darkstalker but we would usually make out with each other sometimes but we do take responsibilities

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