2:11 What Cupid Problem?

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What Cupid Problem?
Part 1

What Cupid Problem?Part 1————

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"I'm guessing Alyssa Chang wants to teach me a lesson." Alaric responded. "But it doesn't explain why Kate is here." Alaric continued.

Lizzie cocked her head to the side a little. "For what?" She breathed out.

"The miseducation of young minds." The familiar voice of Sebastian stated.

You three looked back at him. "Sebastian?" Lizzie asked, happy and confused why he was here.

"Hello, Elizabeth." he greeted, walking down the stairs. "Fancy meeting you here." He continued, Lizzie turning back to stare at her father.


Landon is jumping on a mini trampoline trying to fly. "Fly. Fly. Fly. Fly." He repeated.

Wade was stood in front of him. "Try flapping your arms." Wade suggested.

"Superman doesn't flap his arms." Landon angrily stated.

The fairy shrugged. "Well, Superman's an alien, you're a bird." Wade stated, getting to the point.

Landon stopped bouncing and was now standing on the trampoline. "Yeah, well, you didn't know you were a fairy until yesterday." Landon fired back, anger laced in his voice from the lack of success. "Don't be smug." He finished,continuing to bounce.

Wade shook his head. "Look, I know I'm just your stand-in friend until Rafael gets back." Wade responded.

Landon came to a stop again. "What?" He questioned, confused.

"But why is this so important to you?" He continued his sentence, ignoring Landons question. "So what if you can't fly? No one here flies." Wade continued.

"Look, I... I believed in you. Can you be the one person here who believes in me?" Landon questioned Wade, generally wanting the support.

Wade let out a sigh. "All right." He mumbled while looking down.

Landon then turned to look at the school, looking at the roof. "Hey, do you know how to get a key to the roof of the school?" Landon questioned, turning back to Wade.

Wade had now looked back up, confused. "Well, I am the student security supervisor." Wade replied, slightly smiling.

"Of course you are." Landon commented. "Well, can you get it?" Landon questioned since he didn't get a response. "I think I just need to start with more height. You know?" Landon continued, bouncing up and down. "Thanks man." Landon got off the trampoline and patted Wades back as he started walking towards the school.

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