chapter -4

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Rain: I'm done... I'll go to my class then...
Payu: Wait.. can you give me your number?
Rain: sure😳😳😳
Payu: (he is blushing... So cute..) R u blushing?😏😏
Rain: No I'm not....

(Rain turns even more red... They exchange contracts...)

Payu: okay I won't tease you... You should get going now... I'll see you later...
Rain: okay bye... P'Payu..

(Later at home...)

Aky: You guys are back? I'm making dinner it'll be done soon....

(Sky and Rain approached her.... Shy hugged her from behind.... Aky looked at him...)

Aky: Did something happened at University?
Sky: No... I've something to tell you...
Aky: Say it...😊

(Aky caresses Sky's cheeks)

Sky: I want to move out....

(Aky froze for a moment and continues caressing...)

Aky: But...are you uncomfortable living with me?
Sky: No... No... It's not like that... I just want to live independently...
Aky:....... Is it really the reason?
Sky: Yes.... I've asked around... I can stay in the dorm.... It's convenient to go to university....
Aky: you? What about Rain?
Rain: I'm not leaving.... I want to stay with my mom.. I'll miss your cooking if i i want to stay here...
Sky: You are just want to get spoiled by P' and since you will be getting all her attention....😤😤
Aky: Fine... You can move out... But in one condition.. you have to call me every day and if things get hard for you or you are uncomfortable.. come home the next moment.... Understood?
Sky: okay mom..... Thanks...
Aky: Let's have dinner then....😊😊

(After a few days Sky moves in to the dorm... Next day at the university..)

Sig: look P'Payu is coming..
Sky: (this little fool is blushing just by seeing him...)
Payu: Hi...
Sky,Rain,Sig: hi... P'...
Pai: hey wait for me....

(Someone calls Payu from behind.... Everyone looks in that direction... Sky is shocked seeing that person)

Payu: The is Parpai... My cousin... And these are my juniors Rain, Sky and Sig..
Pai: hii... You guys can call me P'Pai.. Hii I didn't expect to see you here.... What a coincidence you are my cousin's junior...

(Everyone looks at each other... confused)

Rain: Sky, do u know him?
Sky: He is the person I met at the club..
Rain: oh...So he is the pervert you saved...

(Rain suddenly shouts his mouth after saying this...)

Pai: It's okay... It's not my 1st time hearing that I'm a pervert...
Sky: Definitely.... What a thing to be proud of......😒😒😒(annoyed) I'm leaving you guys carry on...
Pai: Wait... How about having dinner together??
Sky: For what?
Pai: Let's get to know each other...
Sky: No need... I'm not interested in a PERVERT....

(Payu starts laughing... So does the others...)

(Pai looks at Payu as if begging to help... Payu gets annoyed by his looks.. in the end he decided to help him)

Payu: How about we all have dinner together?
Sky: You guys go on. I'm leaving...

(Payu looks at Rain...Rain sighs and looks at Sky a bit scared..)

Rain: Come on.. P'Payu is inviting... Just this once.. me.. please 🥺🥺
Sky: Don't give me those puppy eyes... You are sideing with them...
Rain: 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Sky: Fine....😔😔

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