chapter -11

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Aky:(angrly 😡) I'm asking you guys something...
Rain: They are our...
Sky: Boyfriends....🥺🥺
Aky: Boyfriends? When did you guys start to date?
Rain: a few months...🥺🥺
Aky:(chuckles) a few months?  Did you guys even think of telling me ??
Sky: We wanted to but....🥺🥺
Rain:🥺🥺 But they were into racing... So...

(Aky smiles.... Everyone is confused seeing her behaviour.... Except Min... Min puts his hand to Aky's shoulder...)

Aky:(smiling) U mean illegal racing?
Sky: Mm...😥
Aky: Did you guys knew about them being a part of this family???
Pai: They don't...
Payu: We didn't want to scare them away...
Pai: We didn't want to loose them... So we thought we will tell them everything once they are ready for it....
Aky: Ready for what? Getting kidnapped like this???(chuckles) Rain, Sky...
Sky: yes...
Aky: I have never stopped you guys from doing anything you guys like... I just asked you guys to stay away from this dark world...
Rain: We know but we really like them...
Sky: Yes we do.... We really love them Mom....
Aky: Sky you...(sighs😮‍💨) I won't agree to this...
Rain: But....
Aky:😡🔥 I don't want to hear anything... I told you guys I won't agree and both of you are coming with me right now... And Sky you are moving back home today itself....
Sky: But P'..
Aky:🔥🔥 I said I don't want to hear anything....

(Min gives them a nod saying... "Listen to her"... Aky turns to leave..)

Rain: We won't come!!!
Aky: Rain you...(before she could finish)
Rain: We love them.... We will stay with them.... You have never loved anyone So you won't know how it feels to be in love... And Moreover You don't have the right to Stop us.... You are not even our Real Sister....

Min: 🔥😡Rain!!!

(The moment Min screams "Rain" Sky lands a hard slap on Rain's cheek and Pulls him by the collar.... )

Sky: 🔥🔥 How dare you talk to her like that???

(Everyone is shocked seeing this... Sky who was protecting Rain with his life Slapped Rain and from what Rain told about Aky everyone is confused....)

Sky: How dare you!!? You said she never loved anyone Right? Then what about us? She raised us since we were 8... All these years what was it that she gave us?? You don't know a shit!!! So don't fucking talk....
Rain: What do you mean??
Aky: Sky....

(Everyone looks at Aky who is standing there with no expression... Min is holding on to her.... Patting her shoulder)

Sky: No Aky... He has to know... Not just him... Everyone has to know....
Min: He is right.... He deserves to know the truth....

(Min pulls Aky into a hug and Aky buries her face in his neck... Min gives Sky a nod...)

Sky: Aky.. She wants to keep us away from this world because she has been a part of it...
Rain: What??🤨
Kinn: What do you mean??
Min: Do you remember Mr. Rong? Aky is his daughter...

(Everyone is shocked to hear this except Rain who is confused..)

Payu: Kay Rong...?
Pai: No wonder I thought you look fimiliar.....
Rain: What is going on here???
Sky: Aky's real name is Kay... Kay Rong... The heri of Rong group... One of the strongest Mafia Family....
Rain: What??but??
Sky: I know what you are thinking.... After the accident in which we lost our parents... You were in a coma for almost a year and when you woke up you lost your memory.... That's why you don't remember anything....
Sky: You said.. She never loved anyone right? But it's not true.... She loved someone.... She was deeply in love with him.... She understands what love is more than anyone of us....
Rain: who is he and where is he?
Sky: Han... Han Rong....
Kinn: You mean the older son of Mr.Rong...
Min: adopted son...
Sky: He.... He died... He died right in front of her eyes....
Rain: What!?
Min:🔥🔥🔥 no... Not died... He was killed..... He was tortured to death in front of her eyes.....

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