chapter -19

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(After  2 years in university.... Ever Since the incident Sky has changed he started being lost in thoughts... Don't go out much.... He finishes his University work and sometimes helps Aky with office work he tries to make himself busy always.....)

Sig: guys don't be late okay...
Rain: Okay...
Sky: You guys carry on... I have to meet the professor....

(Sky leaves and Payu and Pai join them)

Sig: You guys are coming right?
Pai: Is Sky coming?
Por: Yes...
Ple: Sig threatend him saying if he doesn't join his b'day party he will cut ties with him....
Rain: How are things between you two?
Pai: He doesn't look or talk to me... It's like I don't exist 😔😔
Payu: You know what you did.... It will take time...
Pai: I know and I'll wait... But it really hurts when he ignores me like this....🥺

(Evening at the party in a bar....)

Sig: P'Payu, Rain, P'Pai here!!!

(Pai looks at Sky but he doesn't... They start drinking, dancing and messing around.... A guy approaches Sky....)

Guy: Hey... Do u mind if I treat you a drink?
Sky: sure...

(They talk and sometimes laugh..... Pai is looking at that guy as if he will murder him right this moment.... The guy feels like someone is staring at him and he looks at Pai and he realises that he should leave or else he'll die tonight...)

Guy: 😅 I think I should leave now...
Sky: okay...

(He leaves.... After sometime Sky gets drunk....)

Rain: He seems to be drunk...
Ple: He was drinking like it was water....
Pai: Let me take him back....
Rain: Okay... Take care of him....

(Pai picks up Sky and settles him in his car.... Sky wakes up drunk and looks at his surroundings and then at Pai...)

Sky: P'Pai?
Pai: Yes.. it's me....
Sky: What are you doing here?
Pai: Taking you home...
Sky: Ohh... It's you.... It's that dream again.... When will you stop coming to my dreams??

(Pai stops the car)
Pai: What do you mean? Do I come to your dreams?
Sky: Yes.. you do.... Everytime.... You always come in my dream and take care of me....(crying) why are you doing this to me.... I want to get over you.... But I can't.... You asshole.... How dare you do this to me.... Y do I love you so much even after what you did.... I hate you I fucking hate you P'Pai....

(Pai looks at Sky both of them are crying at Sky's words... Pai cups Sky's face in his hands....)

Pai: I'm sorry Sky... I'm sorry for saying all that.... I love you.... I freaking love you so much that when I saw you with someone else in that state.... I lost my mind.... I came to look for you after leaving but when I came I saw P'Aky with you and when I came close to you... You pushed me away.... I promise Sky... I'll never do this again..... I love you... I will always love you no matter why happens.... Can you give me a chance Sky?

(Sky leans closer to Pai and kisses his lips.... Pai is shocked... Pai then returns the kiss.... They kiss for a few seconds passionately....)

Sky: If you dare leave me again... I'll cut your dick off....
Pai: I'll never do it....

(In the morning Sky wakes up.... He feels warmth....he realises someone is hugging him and this warmth is too familiar.... He opens his eyes and sees Pai looking at him.... Sky gets up quickly...)

Sky: What are you doing here?
Pai: You forgot about last night?

(Sky tries to think and he realises things that happened last night...)

Sky: I was drunk.... You should leave now....

(Sky tries to get off the bed but suddenly Pai pulls him into a hug....)

Pai: Don't go... please....

(Sky can feel his back getting wet.... His backside of the shirt is getting wet from Pai's tears.....)

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