Chapter Twenty-Two: Searches

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When Brea hadn't come home by ten pm, Miranda had told Cindy that she should go and get some rest, and that Miranda would be fine waiting up to make sure that Brea got back ok.

After having unloaded everything that night onto Cindy's listening ears, she felt a little better. After all the older woman had given her some advice about the situation and had said that it was important she said alll that was in her heart to Brea, because if she didn't she may live to regret it for the rest of her life. Cindy had even talked about her own proposal to her late husband when they where young and how she had taken a chance to propose earlier than most would when she knew that she had found the one, and she hadn't regretted it at all, since she had been lucky enough to live out a great deal of her life with her one true love.

Miranda knew that she was right. She knew that she would regret it if she didn't tell Brea everything before she left Skye, and she knew that if she didn't she would be left wondering for the rest of her life what might have been. Besides, even if she didn't feel the same way, at least if she told her, Miranda would know her feelings and could hopefully start moving forward if they where not  the same as her own.

Either way, she simply had to know for sure.

The only issue was, that the only way she would be able to find out exactly how Brea really felt, was by talking to her and what with her having still not come back to the bnd yet, Miranda hadn't exactly been able to do that.

She was beginning to think about resigning herself to having that conversation with her in the morning instead, when she realised the time.

It was at that point 11 Pm and as far as Miranda could tell, Brea wasn't exactly the late night party type. Was she in trouble?

Miranda began to worry as she hastily got up, and as quietly as possible, slipped out of the home to find that since she had been in there it had begun to rain.

She began to walk back towards the docks first as she attempted to call Brea, hoping that maybe she would either answer or be at the docks looking for her, though she doubted it, it was the first place that she could really think of. But when she wasn't there either, and there was no answer to her phones the three times Miranda had tried to call on the short slack, she rattled her brain trying to think of where else she may have gone too.

Before she could decide on her next course of action however, she was interrupted by a familiar sound.

"The swell of the sea is calling me, a calling my boat to Moore. But I can't leave the sea behind, behind, for it's all that I do adorreeee."

Miranda couldn't help but to be frustrated at the intrusion of her thoughts. After all she didn't have time for this, she had to focus! Brea could be in real trouble right now, or worse for that matter. But the closer the voice got, the madder Miranda became until she burst!

"Alright yer we bawbag now listen here."

She said crossly as she grabbed at the tipsy man's sleeve and looked him in the eye.

"Ayesshh what is it?" He mumbled drunkenly.

"Yer disturbing the peace, not to mention my thoughts. I'm here tryna concentrate on figuring out something important, while your there belting away."

The man nodded with a look that said 'fair enough, I'll shut it.' To which Miranda curtly nodded and let go of the man.

"Do yer mind if I ask what yer trying ter think about?" He asked, still half drunk.

"None of yer business." The man shrugged.

"Oh go on, give me a go, maybe I can help." He replied to which Miranda laughed. If a drunken man could help her find Brea, than Miranda was a codfish. But, than again, she felt that she needed all the help that she could get at this moment, so she figured she would tell him.

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