Chapter Seventeen ~ Friends

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It was the next day when Brea had received a phone call from Emily. She had asked if she would like to join her and her friends at Neist Point lighthouse to welcome in the first bit of snow of the year and soak up the creative inspiration it would hopefully bring them.

How exactly was Brea supposed to resist that?

So even though the more logical part of her brain tried to tell her not too, she agreed to meet them and try to have some fun. After all, Brea got the feeling that Emily was going to become a fantastic friend, whether it had to be a long-distance friendship or not.

This time Brea decided to dress up extra warm. Considering there was apparently going to be snow, Brea didn't want to risk getting sick for the rest of her stay. So she wore her usual stockings, lace-up boots, a skirt that had a picture of old books printed on it, and her comfy chenille knit sweater. But over this she wore the jacket she had bought herself in town the other day. It was a lovely deep brown one that had cute little buttons and a collar on either side. Over this she wore a soft knit scarf, and her hair in plaits and a beanie that matched her scarf.

Once she was ready, Brea set off to meet Emily and her friends.

On her way there she allowed herself to think about her trip in Skye so far. She had been there for over two weeks now and things had happened so quickly. She was beginning to feel like she had been there forever, and even felt a bit of a calling to stay, but she knew that would be impossible. After all, her life was back home, her friends and her little unit that she rented. How could she just up and leave all of that so suddenly?

No. She had to go back, whether she wanted to or not, there would come a time when she would simply have to face the music and go back to where she belonged.

But she did want to spend more time with Miranda before she left. She knew that it wasn't the smartest idea she'd ever had, to keep whatever they had going on together, going.

Especially not when she was still set on leaving soon. But there was just something about her that made Brea want to go for it anyway, even though she knew she would only break her own heart by doing so. Miranda was mysterious, charming, out-going, absolutely mad sometimes, but Brea loved it, she loved it all.

She really liked her, more than she thought she would ever be able to like someone that she had only known for two weeks time. But eventually she would have to say goodbye. Which is something that she was hoping her newfound friend would be able to take her mind off of.

When Brea had arrived at the beginning of the hiking trail that led up to Neist Point Lighthouse, she laughed as Emily gave a small squeal of delight at her entrance and rushed up to give Brea a hug.

"Oh my god Brea you simply must meet my friends."

She begun, tugging Brea over to where she noticed three people leaning against the railings of the lookout. One of them was taking photos, which if Brea remembered correctly, must have been Joe. Another was sketching in their notebook, and the other was laughing at something the woman taking the photos had said.

"Ok, so this is Joe. She takes spectacular photos." The woman called Joe turned around to give Brea a shy nod and smile. Brea returned it with a little wave.

"And this is Juliet, as previously mentioned she is a master at sculpture and also partakes in other forms of art."

The shorter woman looked up with wide eyes and red cheeks, the woman beside her grinning widely at her reaction.

"And I'm Annie!" she interrupted, holding out her hand for Brea to shake, which Brea gladly accepted.

"It's so nice to meet you all. I've heard so much about you!" Brea added.

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