Chapter Twelve ~ Fairies

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Brea had dreamed about seeing the famous fairy pools of Skye since she was just a child.

Her mother had always told her stories about her times there, stories about the myths and legends surrounding the fairy pools, and about the fairies that were said to live there. Maybe her mothers stories where a part of the reason why she had always loved to write about fantastical places full of magic, but actually being there now, was the most magical experience she had ever had.

Though there might have been one thing, or more like one person that would have made it that extra bit more magic...but Brea was beginning to think she mightn't show.

After all she had all but run away the other morning. Miranda probably thought that she was too much of a flight risk now, too skittish to be worth dating... But still, she hoped that she might be wrong. Besides, she wasn't skittish...just scared, and given her past experiences with romance, she had a right to be.

Brea closed her eyes as she breathed in the fresh country air that smelt of freshly wet grass, she could hear the water gushing from the previous nights rain in the pools that surrounded her. They flowed into each-other in a way that was more graceful than random, as if the gods themselves had created them just like that intentionally.

They where breath-taking and Brea had never seen anything quite like it before.

As the water gushed along in full force, and the mist filled the mountains around her, Brea had to admit that it was probably the most beautiful place she'd seen on her journey so far.

"I've never found a place more beautiful than this." She said as she sighed in contempt.

"And I've never seen a person more beautiful than you." Brea jumped and spun around to see the woman she had been thinking so much about standing there with a grin on her face, wellies on her feet, and those ever present splotches of paint on her cheeks.

"Hi." Brea said with a smile.

"Hi." Miranda replied as she walked closer.

"It is beautiful though isn't it?" Brea sighed as she twirled around with her arms in the air. "It's amazing!" Miranda laughed. "Like to dance do yer?" Brea blushed.

"A little." She replied. "Do you know how to dance?" She asked and Miranda blanched. "I suppose." She said and Brea grinned.

"Go on then, show me your moves!" She said and Miranda held up her hands. "Nope, not happening." Brea pouted.

"Oh go on, please?" She begged with a pout, and Miranda sighed. "If you insist." Before Brea knew what was happening, Miranda had taken her waist in her hands. "I'll teach you." She said as Brea let out a small laugh.

"Ok." She replied and Miranda walked her through the steps of a traditional Scottish folk dance. She taught her how to hold onto her hands as they span around in a circle, how to change partners, to meet in a circle where people would all hold hands as they danced around the person who was in the middle, change partners again, and than finally spin around once again at the end. When they had finally stopped and collapsed out of breath Brea was the first to speak. "T-that was the most fun I've had in ages!" She exclaimed between laughter.

"You sure can dance!"

"Your not so bad yourself!" Miranda replied as they laughed together.

"Really though, thank you. Like I said, I haven't had so much fun in a very long time. I think I really needed that." Miranda smiled as she moved a little closer to where Brea had collapsed on the damp grass.

"Well, I'm glad that I could help." she murmured as Brea inched closer herself. "Me too." She whispered as she leaned in further, but before she could get to her destination Miranda frowned and coughed as she pulled back. Brea was about to apologise, thinking that perhaps she had moved to fast for her, but before she could bring the subject up, Miranda had stood, offered her hand and said, "Well, I...sort of have a surprise planned for today, if your up for it?"

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