When We Were Still

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I remember when we used to laugh together
The smiles and tears that mattered
The long walks we shared together
All the moments we're called friends forever

When we used to argue about toys
Then grew to fight about boys
You cried infront of me
And I loved you unconditionally

Then there were the days
When we tell secrets and tales
Laugh until our stomachs ache
Then laugh again until the day is late

You used to tease me about things
And I'll pretend to be pained
But you'd just barge in my house
Only to say sorry many times

Those exams you poke me
Because we don't know if it's A or C
Those recess times we hardly survived
I shove you and you pull me from the line

When we spend hours talking
Gossiping about other people's living
And the days we rant about our mirrors
Because they seem to make us hideous

All the time we gushed about our crushes
And the day you had a boyfriend
We used to have heart attacks
Because we claim our crushes stole our hearts

The moment we cut our hair
Then end up whining like hungry bears
Because we decided we don't suit bangs
So we just sat and watched Edward show his fangs

Those school days I annoy you
Cheer you for being blue
Then I purposely raise your hand
To be horrifyingly called and stand

When we barely make it
And I'd blame you for it
Then you'd stumble in your words
Because I'm such a very good sister

The times you set me up on guys
Because you figured I'm sad
So I asked you to break up with him
We ended up being in the Single Ladies Team

Those sacrifices I made for our friendship
And the hand you lend for us to make it
The love we shared together
And the care we cherished forever

The promises we made
That we would be til the end
All the plans we agreed
Will they still suceed?

I woke up one day
You said you're leaving
I never knew there was wrong
Because you claim I'm not part of your life anymore

I was torn that cruel moment
Because together we've always been there
I was hurt so deeply
Why would you do this to our friendship?

You used to be the one with hope
But why did you let me go?
You told me we could never be broke
Now you're one to break me in two

I still don't know what happened
Because you suddenly changed
You had other friends
And I have none at hand

I loved you, really
You used to say that too
But now the winds altered direction
And the us changed too

Remember the good times
The bad times where we'd cry
I'm still here for you even after.
When we were still friends, remember?

May 19, 2015
My room
10:30 pm

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