2:1. Abiding Love

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Eight year's later

Jisoo 🐰

 I'm grateful for your help in my difficult state, I also thank everyone who give me strength, who motivate's me

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... I'm grateful for your help in my difficult state, I also thank everyone who give me strength, who motivate's me...and thank you Dr. Kim... namjoon oppa...who treat me not as patient but as a friend...I will miss everyone. " I completed my little speech in Joon's hospital. The famous hospital where my first report come of being paralysed.

It's been eight years to that incident. I was paralysed for whole six months. Wasn't able to move a single muscle. I was numb, alone and traumatized. I wasn't able to speak to. Just incoherent words which where almost inaudible.

Later struggling with movements and trauma. Next few years I couldn't simply walk properly. I was limping at every step I takes. Like I was learning how to walk again.

Mom, dad, Jennie and Dr. Kim... namjoon oppa where always there. I was crying everyday seeing my vulnerable state but they gives me strength, they motivate's me...not to give up...I will become normal like before.

And now I am. I am back to normal Jisoo who can walk, jump and talk as long as I want without shuttering, without zoning.

After those six months lying on bed I was admitted to physical and mental injury rehabilitation unit. Where I meet Dr. Kim Namjoon.

He's great Doctor, who is angel himself send by god to treat us humans. And in him I always saw Taehyung. Not that I like Dr. Kim, I mean I like him but just as person, a friend.

I saw Taehyung in him means in white coat treating patients an angel send from God. How I wish I meet him and tell him. ' Taehyung I am proud of you...you finally did it.'

Yeah...he finally achieve he's dream. Completing degree as Oncologist he finally become angel in human's life. He's getting recognition.

How I know... Jennie...she told me. Jennie has contacts with Jimin who update her with some things and in that some are or mostly about him and Taehyung.

He has settled...well not officially but temporarily he's settled in Boston, U.S.

I didn't notice I was getting gloomy when Namjoon oppa. Who is president of Joon's hospital and now my friend pat my back and side hugged me. He always do that whenever I cried.

He's seven years older than me. He was like twenty four years old when I was admitted in rehabilitation for further treatment. I stayed there for four plus years until my muscles gain strength.

Later it decreases to one week in one months and last year it decreases to one day a month for just check up and all. He took so much care of me like I was five year old kid. I don't know why but he treat me like his own family when I was a total stranger.

" You okk " he asked and I nods smiling back assuring I am fine. It's just kinda overwhelming. Cause I had made many friends from five year old kids to sixty and seventy years old one. I will miss them so much.

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