2:6. I miss you

244 26 16

Taehyung 🐻

We arrived in birthday party where Jimin invite me

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We arrived in birthday party where Jimin invite me. Although I shouldn't be attending as I was not personally invited but I couldn't help but attend it knowing she will be there...

...not only that Dr. Namjoon will be there too which leaves uneasiness in me.

I was simply having fun by myself drinking martini...yeah martini. It's first time I tastes it as bartender suggests me and it taste like heaven.

I heard Jimin calling me even though I told him I won't be socializing. Sighing I put glass back and walked towards him.

" Taehyung what are you waiting for " he asked and I thought he want to introduce me to his business partners.

I shrugged cause I didn't spot her yet. I literally roam my eyes 360 to find her.

" She's not here " I said creasing my nape feeling really awkward. How fool of me to join Jimin without invitation.

" How come...I saw her with Jennie a while ago. " he said sipping his alcoholic drink like a famous businessman tycoon which he is. He holds substantial amount of power in business world.

As Jimin said that here I noticed brown hair girl in purple gown dancing in sync with Dr. Namjoon and I didn't need to see her face cause her back tells me who she is.

Her back facing me moving her body in sync along with Dr. Namjoon who smile over something before leaning slightly and whispering something in her ear.

In next second he twirl her and change there place and I couldn't hold anymore cause she look like goddess. Her sharp features especially her intense eyes moving here and there. The dim light glimmer her soft skin. She looks so beautiful.

They stop all of sudden when Dr. Namjoon's phone ringed and he needed to pick it. Nodding she walked down from dancing floor and taking it as a chance I strides towards her who gasp and puzzled when I unintentionally pull her arm roughly.

Unbothered I smirk when she meet my eyes and looked surprised. Yet she didn't opposed.

" Dance with me " I said more like demand. She didn't say a word and I didn't wait a minute to pull her closer to me. Sliding my arm around her waist I clasped one with her who look into my eyes which eventually shy away.

We both move together with fast music which was playing in background. Again smirking I twirl her and pull closer almost touching my body over her who gasp again feeling me near her.

I remain unaltered but to be honest I was enjoying it I am feeling everything I never feel with anyone. " You look hot in this " I whisper wavering my hands on her waist.

She said nothing but hitch her breath when I suck her heavenly smell in and nibbles her ear.

" So bold of you to dance with someone else infront of me " I mumble again twirling her and like strom stucked her she slightly push me.

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