1:13. Angels

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Taehyung 🐻

Taehyung 🐻

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I knew it...I knew it very well that she is dying...but I wasn't ready.

Technically she was no one to me, just a little girl who is like me an orphan...but it doesn't mean she didn't meant anything.

I always saw myself in her, when I was around her age I was abandoned by my parents...why because of poverty.

Poverty-stricken them when I was born, there company got bankrupt and they blame everything on my existence.

When I turn two years I was so small to know what is happening...what would you accept from two years old child.

I went out and run somewhere in innocence. Cute little boy running out in streets catches many attention but no one help me to find my lost path.

Crying and running to find my parents, don't know how to express myself to someone...wasn't able to talk yet.

But there was someone who comes in my life as angel Mrs. Kim Taehee. She help me to get my lost path back to home.

She safely touch me to my home which definitely wasn't home...a house without love just burden of being born in world.

Days passed and passed I turn three years and slowly slowly my biological parents started to get high over poverty.

Everything they lose...everything and mostly me...there child. They abandoned me into orphanage even when my own parents are alive but too cruel to pay attention.

I was lost...terrified in everway, I couldn't see my parents around and live in small room with few more kids who where friendly but I wasn't...I tired to become outcast in there company.

I tried to cried out my loneliness in silence but they still heard it. They knew and suffered same thing like me.

Slowly slowly I tried to come out of self bubble and join them...few of them where to good to be true.

Month's passed to years and I grown up, eating, sleeping, studying, playing with everyone...like me...orphans...

Everything was good but turn to heaven when the angel adopt me.

When I was eight...I again lost my way from my friends when we where playing in beautiful park near orphanage.

I bumped into her while crying and that time she wasn't alone but with man who seems nothing but good...a gentlemen.

They asked me about myself and help me to get back in orphanage and on same day when Mrs. Kim Taehee come to know I was same boy who was helped by her few years ago...same boy who's parents abandoned him.

When she come to know she cried for me, she pity me and hug me tightly in her embrace.

My eyes welled up in tears and I cried loudly.

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