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One Week LaterAugust 2nd, 2002

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One Week Later
August 2nd, 2002

It didn't take way too long for Christina to fully recover mentally from what had occurred at the World Unity Festival, but she did end up suffering from a nightmare or two following the incident. In them, it would always be two scenarios: either actually seeing the board members of Oscorp vaporizing into thin air and only their bones being left behind, or Mary Jane being unable to catch her when she fell and she plummeted to the ground; but she would always wake up before she hit the bottom.

Every time she woke up, she would be in a cold sweat and her eyes would be as wide as saucers as her panicked breathing would quicken. But she reminded herself that it was all a dream and what really happened was over.

After Spider-Man had swung away on one of his webs, Christina caught a taxi that brought her back to her house in Queens, where her frantic mother was waiting for her. Margaret had been a worried mess as she explained to her daughter about how she had seen the travesty unfold on news stations and how she thought that her little girl had died. After the blonde assured Margaret that she was fine and that she was only slightly injured, the older woman was very relieved that she was home and that she was alive.

"I could have lost you, Chris," is what Margaret had said to her while her eyes were full of unshed tears.

Christina ended up comforting her mother until she was completely calmed down from her stress and panic before she had gone to bed that night.

Afterwards, she immediately contacted Mary Jane to see if the redhead was alright, and she was met with a still shaky voice on the other end of the phone. So Spider-Man had been right, since the woman was obviously still a little rattled from almost dying. So Christina had consoled her on the phone while she ranted about what they had both experienced, and that was before Mary Jane began to slightly gush over the hero that had saved them both in a way.

"Spider-Man... I didn't even know about him until now," she had said. "But he's... he's incredible! He's amazing!"

Eh, he's not that bad, Christina thought to herself, trying to deny that she even had a soft spot for the superhero as well.

The blonde then called Harry and found out that he had obtained a mild concussion from the rubble that had hit him on the skull, but it was as close to moderate as it could get so he had to take it easy for the next week. Other than that, he seemed to be his normal, sarcastic self, which immensely relieved Christina because she had felt guilty for not even doing anything when Harry had been knocked out earlier that day.

"Chris, I'm fine," Harry had assured her in a calm voice over the phone. "You don't have to worry."

Later that evening, Christina had gotten a surprise visit from a seemingly frantic Peter, who had instantly enveloped her in a tight hug as he explained that he had been at the festival and witnessed everything going down. He then began looking over her to make sure there weren't any other wounds than what she had described to him, but the blonde eventually had to put her foot down and demand that she was alright, despite feeling a little sore from everything she had been through.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐔𝐒 (peter parker) OG TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now