11 | 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗

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They started it first, they threw the liquid called acid on Kai's face, made him scream in agony so excruciating when he was already in pain of losing Sienna. I watched my friend's skin melt and blood drip down his cheeks. I watched Kai Park's sweet smiling face disappear into a horror never possible to mend.

All because Kai couldn't be indifferent like them and toss away Sienna's death like another bothersome news. All because he cried for her, and their pathetic ears couldn't endure the sound of his soul-deep sobs.

Kai's alive, but they've broken him. They've managed to break someone who'd always found something to hold on to, who'd managed to give others hope within every darkness that enveloped us. People like Kai, they were meant to be protected. People like me, we were doomed from the beginning.

It was my last straw. I'm not to blame for what I do next. I'm certainly sure I'm not going to regret it.

~from the journal entries of Daisy




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☘︎ Axᴇʟ Hᴇʀɴᴀɴᴅᴇᴢ ☘︎

Everything in this blasted venue suffocates me.

The live theater's walls and floors are a startling golden so shiny, it's as though King Midas touched the entire place and turned it to gold. Crimson colored velvet seats fill the three open-balcony floors, that overlook the stage on the ground floor, where an opera singer has been singing for what feels like a century.

The place is crowded with pretentious French elites trading kisses and hugs, and godforsaken staring. The walls close in on me as I feel their judgemental gazes seep into my bones, cursing me to become a statue of gold amidst the many mannequins here used for decoration. I can faintly hear their whispers. . .

Isn't he the one who supported his criminal brother?

How is he a lawyer? How did they let him be one?

I can't believe he's Arthur's grandson. The old man is so true to his principles. Then there's Axel and Victoria, the black sheeps in his family. I heard those two don't get along with Arthur.

Take my word, they're going to turn out just like the rest of their criminal family.

Leaning against the drinks area, my grip on the open-bar's metallic gold counter tightens. That last comment, it's what always gets me. The way they just assume, like they fucking know Tori and me.

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