Author's Note

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Tiny hoomans, first of all, I'm NOT dead—very much alive, plotting nefarious ways to burn down my university. Nah I'm just kidding, or am I?👀

Secondly, this book isn't and will NOT be discontinued. I love Axel, Eve, Victoria, Nikolai and the story just as much as y'all. Imma not leave you hoomans hanging on the cliff like that, don't worry🫂

Lastly, to the point of concern, the update schedule—or lack thereof—the last few months have been terrible. Trust me, this hasn't been the case in forever—old readers, c'mon stand for my defense!😂🏃‍♀️—and not writing is making me go the same amount of mad as much as waiting eons for the updates must make y'all want to slap me through the internet. But since it's my final year of graduation and things are pretty hectic and assignments and projects and more studies keep piling up—despite my magnanimous delusions about living in the woods alone with four cats, alas I am washed upon the fact that stone age is long gone and I am not one of the extinct salem witches (tragic era to be alive, really) so I have to face this modern evil called academics and conquer it.

That being said, I did try to make both uni and writing work alongside which was an epic fail (the blasphemous update schedule the last few months and re-writes of the same chapter a thousand times being the stark proof, even this Author's Note was supposed to be out last month and I just got the chance to publish it now💀😭) and I refuse to keep y'all wondering anymore how long you would have to wait.

So, here's a clear insight on when I'll be rid of said modern evil and get back to y'all: My exams will begin and end between July-August. Plus, I'll need atleast 15 days break to refresh my mind (cut my slow brain some slack here, okay🏃‍♀️) which means the updates will begin from September onwards. I might update mid-august if my exams are done and I have enough brain cells left to write the chapter but don't look up to it, it has a 0.00001% chances. Hence, September it is. I know it's a long wait and your slipper is waiting to slap me through the internet as you read this author's note but please bare with me this time and I promise to get back more frequent. Now you, yes you, the divine hooman staring at this screen, bless me with your understanding!

P.S. You don't have to keep re-reading the story in order to remember the plot. I'll make sure I put a "synopsis chapter" prior to the update of the next chapter so you can get a quick recap of all the events in the storyline without having to read everything again. Also, I'll try to stay more active on Instagram just so y'all are assured I'm indeed alive🤧🫂

Aight then, I shall conclude this monolgue with:
I love you, tiny hoomans!
Stay safe! Keep smiling! Drink water! Tataaa!✨️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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