14 | 𝚄𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

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Perhaps since I speak only of Kai, Sienna and me, it is strange to mention that we aren't the only ones here. There are hundreds of us, only half of them who are yet alive.

We all have accepted in some part of our minds that we are to die at some point. Except. . . that one guy a few years older than me who believes he has a chance to make it alive if he does their bidding, does everything those monsters ask him to without any objection.

For his sake, I hope he does survive. Because how terrible would it be to realize he'll die in the end despite having done every horrifying thing he's done to stay alive?

- from the journal entries of Daisy


☘︎ Eᴠᴇ Kᴀᴠɪɴsᴋʏ ☘︎

There are eight of them scattered around the Hernandez estate; mini-houses made for different indoor sports, armed with the weaponry used for each skill.

After a thorough trip to the archery, pool and shooting range houses, I find Victoria in the fencing house in fencing attire, sans the mask.

The Épée slices through the air in a neat cut as she swings her fencing blade in a move so well coordinated, it leaves me baffled. The shock remains only for a second before I register this is the same teenager who'd invaded Maa's tech systems and made a whole report on me, when even experienced FBI teams weren't able to.

If Victoria notices me, she doesn't comment, so I venture to the weaponry shelf attached to the wall and pick an Épée for myself. Armed with the blade, I approach Axel's niece until I'm right there in front of her, "I thought fencing was a two-person sport."

"I prefer solitude, whether in companionship or sports." Despite her words, she doesn't object as I take position in front of her, keeping my feet shoulder width apart and raising my Épée in challenge.

Within seconds, her sword clinks with mine, the sudden blow surprising me but not catching me off-guard, "You're not the only one good at this, Vicky." I wink at her, parrying in time.

Victoria tilts her head to the side, "Are you self taught?" There isn't a single emotion on her face, but somehow it sounds like a trick question.

"Are you?" I dodge the question with another.

Because she doesn't have a fencing mask either, I spot the smallest of smirk appear on the corner of her lips before it disappears, "So your adoptive father is an ally too afterall. He taught you the martial arts. Hyeon Park, ex-general of North Korean army."

The kid is too smart to be true. There are only people countable on fingers, who know appa is from North Korea and not South Korea. And those few are all people we'd willingly told.

"Why spy on me for a year?" I jump to the issue at hand, there was no point dragging this.

Victoria doesn't know why I turned into a killer, she doesn't know what happened to me or the others in that place, but she knows way too much about my present. She knows about the people I'd killed, has an eerily accurate list of people I might kill, has a whole background information on my parents and me and the life we've currently built. It is as much spectacular as it is bothersome.

"If it's any consolation, it wasn't intentional." Victoria's Épée clinks with mine once again, almost cutting my cheek this time, "You just happened to be the enemy of an enemy."

"Let me guess." Curiosity takes over, urging me to counter a blow so hard, Vicky staggers on her footing for a second before her refelexes get her back to balance, "It's Michael Lee Voroski. Because of him, you found all about me. Because of his connection to the secret society."

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