Stuck in an elevator

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Akaza slouches into the rickety elevator alongside his effortlessly beautiful next door neighbor, covering a yawn and leaning against the metal wall.

Douma punches in the number for their floor, glancing at him with a delicately arched eyebrow.

He knows he looks a mess, hair and clothes still damp from outside, his shitty umbrella having not kept him fully dry.

He really needs to invest in a real raincoat. He burrows into the collar of his coat, nose, and cheeks pink from the cold. He hates his job sometimes, and it's a relief to be headed home.

He's just thinking wistful thoughts of hot soup and bread, when there's an almighty crash of thunder, and the power goes out, leaving them plunged in darkness, halted between floors in an elevator that really, really needs replacing.

He swears at the same time as Douma huffs, and it startles a soft chuckle from the man.

"I dont suppose you have a flashlight?" Douma asks lightly, and Akaza digs in his pocket and produces his house keys, and the tiny led flashlight attached to them.

"Yeah," he says, clicking the button on. It's a decent little flashlight, and he looks over the panel for the emergency call button.

"Think it'll still work?" He asks lightly.

"It should," Douma says, setting his bag by his feet.

It does, and after a short conversation with the technician on the other end, they're given an estimate of an hour before someone can come help them. Akaza groans softly.

"Fine way to end an already shit day." He growls softly, shoving a hand through his damp white hair. Douma shrugs in the dim light.

"Well, we're stuck here. Want to talk about it?" He offers lightly.

"You sure? Lotta people end up regretting that. When I bitch, I bitch." Akaza says, eyebrow arched. Douma sends him a sassy look.

"Try me," he purrs quietly. Akaza has to swallow at that- yes, he's always thought his neighbor highly attractive, but damn, that purr did interesting things to his insides.

So he unloads his shitty day at work with more than a few extremely acerbic comments on his boss's work ethic, probable sexual life, and heritage. Douma seems terribly entertained by it all.

"I can't believe you, sometimes." He laughs brightly at a particularly inventive invective involving his boss and his probable actions towards a poor, innocent sheep.

"Look, you get what you see with me," Akaza grins crookedly.

Douma gives him a sweet smile, and seems about to say something, when there's a noise outside the elevator.

They're assisted out of the elevator, which is apparently well and truly stuck between floors, and take the stairs the rest of the way up.

At his door, keys out, Akaza looks over his shoulder at Douma, unlocking his own door, right across the hall. His eyes linger on the taller man's shapely hips, and he swallows thickly.

"Uh, hey, Douma? Did you want to come over for dinner?" He offers quietly. Douma turns, smiling brightly.

"All right. That sounds nice! Someone on our floor always cooks the most heavenly smelling food," he comments, just as Akaza finally gets his door open, and the smell of the soup he threw in his slow cooker rolls over them.

Douma's eyes widen a touch. "And apparently it's you, so yes, I'm coming for dinner. Give me a second to put stuff away and get changed. I'll bring a bottle of wine over." He says, a touch bossily.

"A red, if you have it," Akaza calls to his quickly retreating back. He grins to himself and goes inside to finish getting dinner ready. This is going to be excellent.

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