let's be each other's wingman

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Douma stared at Akaza. Akaza stared at Douma. There was intensive, slightly incredulous staring, broken only when the waitress brought by their plates- baklava for Akaza and kataïfi for Douma. ( 😢 I'm hungry k )

"What?" Akaza asked, a little dumbly. Douma sighed, rolling his eyes.

"You heard me. I think a double date might solve our problems." He reiterated.

Akaza pondered this again, taking a bite of his baklava. This new cafe had really good baklava, and Douma knew his weakness for sweets, especially good baklava, so he knew this was a bribe.

Not that he really needed a bribe, if it panned out right, Douma's idea would benefit both of them.

"Would they go on a double date? This still involves asking them out, and I thought we both agreed that was a terrifying prospect," he pointed out. Douma hummed, thinking.

"Well... we could ask them out on each other's behalf?" He suggested, and Akaza contemplated that, taking a sip of his coffee.

"So what happens if they think we're asking them out ourselves, not for each other?" He asked, and Douma sighed dramatically.

"Be specific! Say you're asking them out for me, or on behalf of a friend. I guess we could stage it as a blind date," he tapped his fork against his lip.

"This would be easier if we were just attracted to each other," Akaza finally complained. Douma smiled.

"If we hadn't become friends from mutual romantic woes, would we have become friends at all?" He asked whimsically. Akaza glared at him lightly.

"Yes, we would have. And then we wouldn't need to worry. It would have been- I don't know, organic." He declared. Douma wrinkled his nose delicately.

"What, like the vegetables you get down at the farmer's market?" He asked skeptically. Akaza huffed.

"You know what I mean," he said, and Douma nodded with a faintly apologetic smile.

"Back on topic, though..." Douma said leadingly. Akaza rolled his eyes.

"This is, without a doubt, the stupidest plan you've ever had. Of course I'm in." Akaza sighed softly, stuffing more baklava into his mouth, and Douma cheered fiercely in victory. "Still not sure it'll work!" He cautioned.

"You won't regret this! I hope," Akaza was pretty sure he wasn't supposed to hear that last comment, and he raised an eyebrow.

"You hope? Where'd all that confidence go?" He asked, amused. Douma huffed, tossing his hair over one shoulder.

"I'm always confident. You were just hearing things." He said haughtily, and Akaza laughed.

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