✨️ Love spell✨️

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《 Cringe alert ! ⚠️ 》

"That's it?" Hakuji's question is dubious. Douma rolls his eyes, dusting off his hands and surveying the detritus of his spell.

"I'm only a witch, not a miracle worker." Douma huffs delicately. "Within twenty-four hours, it should become apparent who your soulmate shall be. Now, never ask me about love spells again. I hate performing them."

"But you're great at love spells!" Hakuji points out jokingly. Douma rolls his eyes expressively, beginning to properly clear away his spell components.

"Love spells are annoying and finicky and terribly imprecise." Douma huffs, flipping his hair over his shoulder. "Now go take a nap on the couch, and remember what I told you about paying attention to your dreams. Are you staying for dinner?"

"If I'm napping on the couch, then yes." Hakuji replies dryly, standing and heading over to the more comfortable location. Douma huffs softly.

"I thought I told you the incense is a mild sedative. Also hallucinogenic if you're sensitive to it. I want you where I can see you, not wandering out into traffic or falling asleep as you're riding that beastly motorcycle of yours. It's not safe." Douma tells him sternly.

Hakuji smiles. Douma is an adorable mother hen, for as vehemently as he denies it.

Case in point: as Hakuji settles back onto the couch, tucking a brocade pillow under his head, Douma comes back with a soft red blanket, patterned with the outlines of roses in gold thread.

"I remember now," he assures him, who merely levels him with a mildly skeptical look and hands him an eye mask made to look like a unicorn, with sleeping embroidered eyes and an adorable tiny horn.

Hakuji smiles up at him brightly, and Douma rolls his eyes and flicks the thick braid of his hair over a shoulder.

There's a smile lurking around the corners of his mouth, though, so Hakuji counts it as a win before tugging down his sleep mask and settling back.

Hakuji hears Douma head into the kitchen and hears the familiar rough clack of stoneware on the countertop.

Seems like he is going to spend his time cooking or grinding more herbs for spells and incense, or maybe even blending tea. He's a man of many hobbies- part of the reason they get along so well.

Hakuji drifts off betwern one thought and the next. His dreams are hazy and jumbled, but one aspect stands out clear to him.

He wakes groggily to the smell of food cooking and drags himself up off the couch, draping the blanket around himself like a cloak.

Douma glances up from the skillet on the stovetop as he shuffles in, a faint look of exasperated fondness playing over his features.

"You sure you did the spell, right?" Hakuji asks, hiding a jaw-cracking yawn politely. Douma instantly scowls.

"Of course I am. It's not my fault if you don't like whatever it is you saw." He sniffs haughtily, turning resolutely back to the food. Hakuji sighs, shaking his head.

"That's not what I meant. The person I saw - they're not someone I expected to see, that's all. Which I guess was the point of the spell." Hakuji chuckles ruefully.

Douma cocks an eyebrow curiously. "I just always thought you were kind of out of my league anyway," he confesses softly, and watches Douma blush magnificently with some surprise.

"I- me?" Douma actually squeaks. Hakuji smiles at him, tender and full of hope.

"You were the only constant through my dreams." Hakuji tells him, and that's proof enough for him.

Douma smiles back, a little tentatively, but it lights up his eyes and makes him even more beautiful.

"I never told you I liked you," he murmurs. "Liked you too much to jeopardize our friendship. I- would you like to date me? I would like that." He says softly. Hakuji grins now.

"I'd love to date you." He says warmly.

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