Chapter 5: Mrs. Sportacus?

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As Stephanie walked in she couldn't help but to break down in tears. I couldn't tell whether they were happy or sad tears since she still had a smile on her face. I embraced her with a hug and glanced back at her pulling her away. "Why the tears?" I chuckled and she did the same. "I've missed you so have no idea." I frowned at her response.

"I'm sorry Steph, I'm here now and I promise I won't leave you again..." I gently smiled at her, handing her a cookie from the stool Ms. Busybody baked for me.

"I saw your luggage on a bench earlier, so I took them into Uncle Milford's spare room. He's so happy you're visiting. I don't think I've seen him cook this much!" She chuckled. "I'm sure he cooked a buffet." I said sarcastically laughing.

After having girl talks with each other, giggling alot and catching up about the things I've missed, we agreed to go back to Uncle Milfords'. I figured I might settle down today until I prepare for a supposed tour of Lazy Town with Sportacus tomorrow night. Today has been a roller Coaster of events and emotions...

"I'm stuffed Uncle Milford...really!" I moved the three plates stacked on top of each other away from me and rubbed my stomach as I was completely full from the food. "Now y/n, I must insist you eat my FAMOUS blueberry muffins! It's Stephanie's favourite, isn't it Stephanie?" Uncle Milford turned towards Stephanie across the table. My face widened my mouth worded, "Help me," at Stephanie.

She giggled and grabbed the muffin he was about to hand me. "I'm sure y/n is really tired from all the food and not to mention what happened today! She'll try them tomorrow Uncle Milford!" Stephanie came behind my chair and pulled it back encouraging me to come off.

Uncle Milford: "Oh alright! Tomorrow it is!" He said taking the plates off the table to wash them. Stephanie then guided me to my room where she locked the door behind her. She had a mischievous look on her face to which I responded, "What's up with that face?" I giggled.

Stephanie: "You tell me...Ms. Sportacus" My jaw dropped and the room was filled with silence. "What are you talking about, Steph?" I nervously chuckled. She furrowed her eyebrows and sat on a chair near the desk. "Well, not to intrude on your privacy or anything buttt- I was starting to get worried about you being at the infirmary so Pixel used his tablet and showed me video footage from security cameras in the infirmary. I eventually saw you which reassured me, however, we just so happened to see everything that happened in the room...which were you and Sportacus....alone...lips nearly touching."

My face turned bright red when she exposed everything. "Well- well whatever you think was going to happen, didn't, because it wasn't meant to. He healed me and that was all. It's nothing special and he's seems like a pretty cool person. Superheros can't date, can they? I don't like him and he doesn't like me, we're just friends!"

Stephanie: "Who said anything about you liking him?" She smirked.

"Alright! Haha, um! I have to get some rest maybe we can talk about this tomorrow!" I gently shoved her out the room trying to keep smiling. "Tomorrow we'll talk, love you! BYE GOODNIGHT!"

"Goodnig-" I closed the door before she could even finish her statment.
Uncle Milford: "what was that about?"
Stephanie: "Adult life, I guess?" She walked away and Uncle Milford continued washing the wares.

I sat on the edge of my bed where I looked outside the window. I fiddled with my hair in thought and embarrassment.

" Sportacus seems like a really cool guy, he's adored by the people in Lazy Town not to mention he healed me somehow...with his powers? I couldn't help but to replay every second that happened in the infirmary where his lips and mine nearly touched. I'm really perverted for even thinking about the things he could do to me. His muscles, his eyes, his hands..the way he grabbed my waist. " I uttered under my breath.

My skin felt incredibly hot and my breath was as well. "Jesus- what time is it?" I realised how dark it got already.

"It's seven thirty.." I heard a familiar man's voice coming outside the window. I glanced out to see Sportacus sitting on a tree branch. I gasped as he chuckled slowly creeping inside. "What're you doing here?!" I exclaimed whispering at the same time. "I came to see how the new visitor of Lazy Town is doing! It's very rare we have visitors at all. Are you feeling any better?" He responded looking down at me from the bed. "Y-yes, by chance - did you hear anything I said earlier?" He sat down next to me. "All of it, I heard all of it", He smiled, "And I feel the same way."

That was a sigh of relief yet I still feel kind of bad. "I'm sorry for talking about you like that. It was wrong and I'm glad you feel the same way but could superheros even date?" He bit his lip in thought, "I don't see why not, I really like you and I want to get to know you more..." He kissed my hand whilst looking at me.

"I thought that was tomorrow night?" I smirked
"Tomorrow night, you and me." I added caressing my thumb on his rosey cheek. I leaned in and gave him a peck on his soft luscious lips.

His eyes widened as I caught him off guard. As I pulled away, feeling slightly embarrassed by my bold actions, he grabbed me by my waist and deepened the kiss which made me even more stunned. It was more of a battle against each other's tounges but eventually, we pulled away gasping for air, with strings of saliva connecting us by the lips.

He looked at me with with a warm smile plastered on his face.

"Yes...tomorrow night...Goodnight y/n." He kissed my forehead once more before he left. "Night.." I whispered under my breath as he left, touching my lips with my index and middle finger.

"That was my first kiss..."

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