( O3 ) the rain came pouring

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muddy shoes on the door step, and window seals wet from the rain. pink petals scattered around the cement, with silhouettes of tea cups on the table. the scenery was a scene to behold.

you took a step out of the shower, standing on the mat that laid in front of the shower. cursing under your breath, upset over the fact that you still had to go to school, despite the gloomy, rainy weather. you found it unfair.

nonetheless, you had to suck up your anger and ready yourself for school. trying to dress yourself, you also tried to brush your teeth. but that clearly wasn't working, so you had to dress up first, then brush.

once you were finished, you walked to the kitchen to grab a quick thing to eat, then to the front door, where you took your umbrella and your bag. you walked out of your home, closing and locking the door behind you.

watching your feet walk forward, you played with your fingers, distracted, and lost in thought. you looked up after a moment, when you found a familiar face walk out of his house. you stopped in your tracks, to wave to the boy with white hair.

nagi. he looked back at you, waving at you slowly. you smiled slightly, and hurried over to him.

"how's it going?" you played with your fingers as you giggled.

"it's alright, you?"

"that's good! i'm doing just fine, thanks," with a smile on your face, you spoke.

you two walked in silence, an awkward one at that. it was a dumb idea to walk to nagi, not even knowing him.

"by the way," you began. "are you feeling confident about your chemistry work?"

"hm? oh, yeah. thanks," nagi looked up as he rubbed the back of his neck. "let me know if there's anything i can help you with ─ i mean, i doubt there's anything i can do, but i just wanna return the favor."

"haha, thanks!" as you looked down, you noticed that your shoes were untied. "oh, sorry, i gotta tie my shoes real quick."

"alright, i can wait if you want," nagi stopped walking and looked back at you, with his hands still clutching onto his phone.

"oh, don't worry! it's fine!"

"you sure?" nagi asked, making sure it was alright.

"yeah, it'll only take a minute," you waved your hand then quickly tied your shoes, which only took a moment. "see?" you laughed.

"hey, do you know where isagi is?" nagi looked from side to side, before facing you.

"oh, no . . ." you rubbed the back of your neck, when the thought finally hit you. "he's probably just running a bit late, though, haha."

looking down, again, you did wonder where isagi was. he was usually always walking with either you or nagi. it was a big possibility that he was running late, but maybe not. who knows?

"hey, what's your best subject?" you broke the short silence, brushing the other thoughts off.

"hm, maybe history,"

"history's fun . . ." you said, patting your leg.

"mhm, you?"

"it's [wtv your best subject is]! probably my favorite," you tilted your head towards nagi, a slight smirk on your face.

another silence came, leaving you feeling awkward. the rain came hard suddenly.

"the weather's been harsh, lately, hasn't it?" nagi turned off his phone and looked forward, rain falling onto and off of your umbrellas.

"oh, yeah, most definitely!" you sighed. "it's been leaving me drained,"


"i hate having to care heavy umbrellas!" you rolled your eyes playfully as you chuckled.

"looks like we made it." nagi spoke.

"i'll see you after school, then!"


a/n: this chapter is so so boring and i'm just dragging this book out lmaoooo

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