( O4 ) you can meet me in the back

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you entered the school building, walking around the halls to find your classroom, when you found a your friend, kunigami.

"kunigami!" you exclaimed with a wide smile. "what's up?" you stopped walking to talk with the ginger, who was carrying soccer balls.

"nothing much, just helping to clean the soccer practice field." kunigami placed the footballs in a small box. "you?"

"i just arrived, haha. i was walking with nagi," you told him. "hey, do you know where isagi is, by the way?"

"oh, he's just over by the soccer field, why?"

"because he wasn't walking with nagi and i, so i was just wondering. but thanks, that's relieving, haha!"

"mhm, anytime," kunigami gave you a slight smile and nodded. waving goodbye, you started walking away to meet with isagi.

- idk what else to add so uh just pretend that you got to isagi 👍 -

"morning, isagi!" you ran up to isagi, then sat down on the bleachers. "you came here early?"

"yeah, i just wanted to get as much practice as i can, y'know?" isagi played and kicked the soccer ball, doing odd tricks. "anything up?"

"nah, i was just walking with nagi and you weren't there, so i was just wondering where you were." you explained. "class should be starting in a bit, we should get ready,"

"i guess . . ." isagi sighed in defeat as he slouched. "how much time until class is there?" he asked.

"just five minutes,"

"hm . . . that's enough time," isagi decided. he kept playing with the football, huffs and grunts, here and there.

three minutes had passed, when you decided that you should start going to class.

"let's go, yeah?" you suggested.


- okay um another short time skip 👍 -

you played with your pencil, tapping it on your desktop. as the teacher talked, their words just went in one ear, and out the other. it was your least favorite class, [wtv your least favorite class is].

it could be interesting sometimes, but for the most part, you understood nothing. you didn't understand how people could actually like it.

you looked outside of the window, where you found the rain slowly, but surely, stopping. this gloomy weather always brought you down, but it did look nice.

a voice very quietly whispered from beside you. looking their way, you found isagi slipping a small note to you. you chuckled, opening the letter then reading it.

what's even going on? :(

giggling, you started writing on another piece of paper, and wrote.

i have no clue!

you slipped your letter quietly to isagi. with an excited smile plastered onto his face, he read your letter.

hey, wanna get some food after this? (isagi)

yes!! but what? (y/n)

whatever we're craving :) (isagi)

should we invite nagi? (y/n)

sure :] (isagi)

alright, sounds great!

a smile stayed on your face, excited from the letters that were exchanged from isagi to you.

"class dismissed," the teacher announced, sitting down in their seat.

you raced up and packed your bag, hurrying out of the classroom, along with isagi. walking to your locker, you spotted nagi. you held your hand up high, trying to catch nagi's attention, which was a success.

nagi walked up to you and isagi, greeting both of you with a wave.

"hey, nagi, what's up?" isagi asked as he opened his locker.

"not much, you?"

"me and y/n are planning on getting something to eat after school, wanna join?" isagi placed one of his books into his locker.

nagi looked up at isagi, then you, then back to isagi. "sure," he shrugged.

"great!" isagi smiled and patted nagi's back.

"we'll see you then!" you exclaimed and placed all of your books into your locker, then grabbed your other books. "bye," nodding, you walked away from nagi and isagi.

a/n: what's this??? double update bc i never update any other time???? but it's still a boring chapter and i'm just dragging this book out???? what, psh, me? nah, never!!

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