( O5 ) downtown

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lunch came, which is when isagi would usually practice, which meant nagi probably was too. you got something to eat, then sat with a group that you didn't like too much, you didn't want to sit alone during lunch, so you sucked it up.

"hey," you greeted the group as you placed your tray on the table.

"oh, hey, y/n!" one of the girls exclaimed with a smile on her face. "how's life been treating you?"

"it's alright, my life's pretty boring, haha," then you took a bite of your food. "you?"

"ugh, it's been terrible! my boyfriend broke up with me the other day; i've been so depressed," she cried, slouching in her seat and her elbow on the table as she tested her chin in her palm. "i know, and he won't tell me the bitch he broke up with me for!" the girl ate her food, pitying herself.

you listened to her rant about how upset, sad, and angry she was about it. she went on and on about herself for at least twenty minutes.

"i'm sorry, again," you spoke. "hope you feel better soon,"

"how will i!? he betrayed me, we were supposed to get married!" the girl complained and whipped her tears with her tissue.

you genuinely felt bad for her, you could only imagine what it felt like to be broken up with. not knowing how to comfort her, you only patted her back and told her that he didn't deserve her and blah blah blah.

"thanks, y/n," the girl smiled. "hey, you should hang out with us more," she suggested.

"you totally should, oh em gee!" another girl shouted, smiling widely as she stood up. the rest of the group laughed and agreed, leaving you confused.

"oh, haha, yeah . . ." you chuckled nervously, smiling sheepishly, as you played with your fingers.

"what about we go out somewhere after school?" the first girl questioned.

"that sounds like fun!" her friends were having fun as they thought about places you and them could go to.

"uh, that does sound like fun, but . . ." you trailed off. you didn't want to tell them that you had plans with nagi and isagi, but you did know isagi longer and better. "how about another time? or maybe tomorrow?" you smiled. "i already had plans with somebody, i'm sorry,"

"oh." the girl groaned. "yeah, that's fine. let's go another time," she rolled her eyes, but her head turned the other way, to the point where you couldn't see it.

"great! i'm really sorry, again." frowning, you stood up, feeling bad that you had turned her down. you grabbed your tray and started to walk away.


you smiled as you made your way to the soccer field, where you saw nagi, isagi, and a few of their other friends practicing.

isagi spotted you, waving when he did, to which you waved back to.

"hi, guys," you said and sat down on the bleachers, that was covered in a tarp because of the rain, beside another girl who scrolled through her phone. "hey," you waved to the girl you were sitting by.

"oh, hi. how are you?" she immediately turned off her phone, greeting you with a smile.

"i'm great, thanks for asking!" grabbing your bag for your school work, you nodded. "and you?"

"i'm fine, just waiting for my brother," she shrugged.

"oh, who's your brother?"

"asahi naruhaya,"

"mhm, and what's your name?"

"i'm rae, you?"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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