Chapter 1

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Kimetsu Gakuen(or Academy) was like any other school, besides the occasional drama with the students and the occasional smack on the head for not following the dress code. Despite this, the school was a fun place to be at, and the students, for the most part, got along.

"Zenitsu, I think you're trying too hard again"

Tanjiro was heading down the hallway to their next class, hearing another one of Zenitsu's failed attempts at wooing a girl. Zenitsu looked heartbroken, upset, and a little tired of another attempt that was unsuccessful.

"I didn't know what to do!! She had such a calm and beautiful gaze!"

Tanjiro expressed sympathy and sighed. Zenitsu always ranted about his failed attempts, especially with the popular upperclassmen, and Tanjiro was always there to listen to it, although Tanjiro thought it could always be much worse.

"Who was it you asked?"

"Makomo..." Zenitsu admitted and looked down.

"Makomo? She's pretty...but...why did she turn you down?" Tanjiro asked.

"I didn't! When I was in the middle of asking, I noticed a boy behind her and he was looking at me with a death stare!!"

Tanjiro looked up thoughtfully and then realized who he was talking about.

"Was it Sabito? The boy with salmon colored hair?"


Tanjiro grimaced. Sabito was good friends with Makomo, and also very protective of her. He remembered when he last heard of a guy going to ask her out, only to be scared away from Sabito.

Inosuke only laughed at Zenitsu and grinned.

"You're such a wimp monitsu! I could have beaten him easily!"

Inosuke boasted and then he and Zentisu argued. Tanjiro tried to break up the bickering between the two, as it was sometimes almost a daily habit of the two.

"You three! You're violating the dress code again!"

All three of the guys stopped and their faces had a tired expression and sighed, realizing what time it was again. They turned their heads to see their gym teacher, Tomioka Giyuu, sprinting down the hallway with his ruler. Tomioka's plain face only made the feeling of being attacked again for their lack of the school rules made it worse. The three jumped slightly at the sight of him and quickly started sprinting, heading to the next class.

"AAAHHHH!!" Zenitsu wailed. Tanjiro didn't look back, realizing they just lost Zenitsu.



Giyuu smacked Zenitsu's cheek and Zenitsu was clearly out of it. Tanjiro and Inosuke were still running, horrified at what was going to happen next.


Sanemi was seen out of his classroom, and his pencil snapped in half, his face cold and angry. He had grabbed Inosuke mid sentence and smacked his boar hat off.


Inosuke, clearly caught, fumed and tried getting away. Yelling could be heard from the teacher and student. Tanjiro always hated the fact that he was told to take off his earrings and continued.

Tanjiro kept moving, freaking out and turned back to see Tomioka sprinting again.


Tanjiro turned back and sprinted again, before slowly losing stamina and stumbled from not paying attention.

"Kamado, here!"

A hand appeared from a classroom, pulling Tanjiro in, and the door closed in a quick motion. Tanjiro staggered a bit, out of breath and clearly shook. He was exhausted and could hear his own heart beating fast. He was sweaty and wiped the sweat off his brow. Even if they were used to it, it was hard to be calm each time it happened. As he was about to look to see who had pulled him into the room, he heard a chuckle.

"Kamado! This is the fifth time Tomioka has come after you!"

Tanjiro looked up to see one of his favorite professors.


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