Chapter 2

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Tanjiro looked at the man that stood before him. Rengoku Kyojuro, the history teacher, was very likable, and quite the looker too. Many of the students loved being in his class, for he had a nice laugh, warm presence, and of course, was quite attractive. The blonde chuckled and then grinned at tanjiro, and tanjiro smiled slightly, even though he was embarrassed for his lack of the school rules.

"So! What was it this time? I notice you were running in the halls" 

The red head sighed and then rubbed the back of his head. Being caught in a situation like this was quite embarrassing. 

" It was nothing…although he was following me for wearing earrings again"

Rengoku nodded, and looked at his earrings and then smiled. 

"Ah, I see. Tomioka-san is quite strict on the rules, very adamant about them!"

"Yes that much is true too…"

Rengoku looked at Tanjiro, and continued to chuckle, and Tanjiro turned pink. 

" Thank you Rengoku-san, for helping me"

"Hm! It is fine kamado, after all, I might as well help out every once in a while, but…don't you have a class to head to?"

Rengoku tilted his head a bit. Tanjiro gasped and then groaned, grabbing his briefcase.

" I got so caught up with Tomioka-san, I forgot! Sorry Rengoku-san! I-I have to go! Thanks for helping again!"

"Of course!"

Tanjiro waved and smiled at him before walking out, and quickly walked to his biology class with Ms.Kanae.

Rengoku had turned to grab his own briefcase, deciding to head to the offices and pick it up, although it seemed much lighter than normal. He brushed it off and walked off, heading to the offices.


" Ah, my flamboyant friend, when will you ever consider my proposal?"

" And I said no. Not for me Uzui"

Rengoku was in the office, speaking with Uzui, the art teacher. Uzui sighed and rolled his eyes as he was cleaning off the paint on a couple of brushes and looking at Rengoku.

Rengoku was looking at a couple of papers and only gave a smile, but was honest. For a while, Uzui had been trying to get him on a double date with him and a couple of girls he knew,  but Rengoku always refused, insisting that he was busy. In truth, he was, but- he had a major problem with dating, especially since sometimes he could get very nervous and shy at times. 

" You know, I could always be the one to do the talking! It's not that hard!"

Uzui said and looked at him. Rengoku sighed and then said " I have plans on Saturday, so no"

Uzui did a  slight scoff and then just lightly pats his back. 

" Then at least have a beer with me later! Because you need a break man"

Rengoku grinned and then flashed a smile at Uzui. "That I can do! Now I have more work to do, so run off!" He chuckled.

Uzui laughed and then walked away. Whatever you say Kyojuro!" 

And with that, Uzui left. Rengoku chuckled and then opened the briefcase, and upon opening, he was startled. The stuff inside wasn't his, and instead was someone else's, including a checkered green and black handkerchief. He then realized he and tanjiro must have grabbed each of their briefcases, and then laughed softly, deciding to go and find him.

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