Chapter 3

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Tanjiro had made it to his biology class, panting and entered the room.

"S-Sorry Ms.Kocho!"

Kanae looked at him and only softly smiled.

"It's quite alright. Go ahead and sit down"

Tanjiro was flustered and just bowed before heading to his seat, sitting next to Genya and looking up front. Kanae began to talk about the discussion they were talking about before Tanjiro entered and Tanjiro whispered to Genya "What are we working on?"

"We're doing a paper on the human's Internal organs, specifically the digestive system" Genya mumbled and then pulled out his notebook. "Also, where is Zenitsu and the boar idiot?"

"They got caught by Tomioka-san and shinazugawa-san"

Genya just rolled his eyes, but understood and Tanjiro then held the bookbag. Tanjiro frowned and sniffed a little, noticing that the scent of the bag was different from his own. He proceeded to open it and immediately realized that he had the wrong one. He felt his heart drop and worried about where his was.

Oh no! I picked up Mr.Rengoku's book bag instead of my own! All of my notes are in mine and this is terrible!

He groaned and rested his head on the desk, feeling embarrassed and foolish for just grabbing any bookbag, not verifying which one was whose.

"Tanjiro...are you alright?"

Tanjiro looked at Genya. Genya raised an eyebrow at him, as he had noticed how he had a change of attitude.

"Yes...Perfectly fine"

"Your face looks all sure on that?"

"My book bag, its-"

"Tanjiro-kun, please do not talk in class, okay?"

Tanjiro looked up to see Kanae looking at him, as well as a couple of other students. Ume snickered at him, and Tanjiro felt his face grow warm.

"S-Sorry Ms.Kocho! But I was wondering if I could perhaps have a pass to go see Mr.Rengoku!"

"Oh? Why?" Kanae looked at him curiously.

"Well...It's a long story but-"

A knock could be heard on the door before Rengoku entered, carrying Tanjiro's bookbag with his usual smile. The students looked at him smiling and some even called out to him, saying hi.

Kanae smiled sweetly. "Hello Rengoku!"

"Hello Kocho! Sorry to interupt your class, but may I take young Kamado out into the hall for a moment? It will be quick!"

Kanae smiled and nodded.

"Kamado, follow me!" Rengoku smiled at Tanjiro before stepping out into the hall.

"R-Right!" Tanjiro got up and held the bag, walked over to the door and stepped out, while Kanae proceeded to continue teaching.

"Mr.Rengoku, I think that we had-"

"Took each other's bags?"

Tanjiro blinked and then laughed embarrassedly and nodded. "Yes, precisely"

Rengoku laughed, and then handed Tanjiros book bag to him. "I had realized that as well when gathering my things up"

Tanjiro smiled softly and smiled, handing Rengoku's bag to him and nodded.

"I once again apologize for the mix up Mr.Rengoku...I'll be more aware next time!"

"Of course! And do not worry! Everyone makes mistakes!"

Rengoku smiled at Tanjiro and Tanjiro smiled back. They stayed like that for a moment before Tanjiro broke the silence.

"Well, I ought to head back inside class...Thanks once again"

"Of course!"

Rengoku opened the door for Tanjiro, smiling. Tanjiro was surprised, but smiled and then walked in carrying his bag and went to his seat.

"Thank you for letting me have him for a moment Kocho!"

"Of course Rengoku"

Kanae smiled at Rengoku sweetly, gazing into his eyes, causing his cheeks to go a light pink but chuckled and left. Some of the girls sighed at his departure, while mostly everyone went back to what they were working on. Tanjiro looked at Rengoku while he left before finally opening his bookbag and starting to take notes.

He couldn't help but notice how Rengoku turned pink at Kanae. His curiosity grew but wondered if Rengoku had feelings for her. It wasn't that hard to think of why. Kanae was a beauty and also a very kind woman and teacher. All the students really enjoyed her presence. The same could be said for Rengoku though too. Tanjiro wasn't too blind to not notice the stares that Rengoku got from students.

Rengoku was a very amazing teacher, kind, funny, and energetic. All the students who were in his class were doing well, and he couldn't think of anyone who would not like well as romantically. It was no joke that Kyojuro Rengoku was an attractive and well off man. Single, charming at times, and dashing too. Many girls found him attractive and good looking, with his good looks and built figure.

Tanjiro felt his cheeks grow warm and then felt embarrassed to think these things about his teacher. He brushed it off, but his mind was on the thoughts of his two teachers for the rest of the day.

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