Mi lluvia ep 9

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Warning ⚠️ Google translation

"My enemies call me Namor," he said in a low voice, it had given me chills down my back, but I couldn't stop myself from talking, "are you applying we're enemies?" I had asked, looking at him,

He had paused as he looked into my eyes, the rain had made it hard for me to see him fully, it has made me curious on what his eyes tell, even how he looks now or even in the water,

"Never" he had replied stepping a bit closer but had stopped when some others had popped out of the water, "wow" I heard F/n say as she saw a tall and big figure walked out of the water,

"We need a ride," shuri had said, looking at them, "she means, if you could do us another favor, please," Nakia had corrected,

"Ba'ax u k'áato'ob." (What do they want?) The tall one had spoken, "Jump'éel xíimbal" (a ride) k'uk'ulkan had spoken to him, not turning away from ShuriNakia

"We will appreciate it if you can," Nakia said to him, "what will I get in return?" K'uk'ulkan had asked, "What do you want?" Shuri asked, stepping into the conversation, he had paused, "let me keep the two favors, till the time in need," he said looking at me, I knew I was a mess, my clothes and hair were soaking wet, one of my sleeves were missing, I was a mess but when he looks at me like that I feel like it didn't matter either way, "Beetik le ballenas" ( get the whales ready) he had said looking at the man behind him, 'Yucatec maya?' I had questioned to myself, soon enough the guy had left back to the water, leaving k'uk'ulkan and a couple of people behind him,

"We can't," I said, looking out at the ocean, "Why ask, when you know you can't?" He asked with an accent, "we will go, but they have chips in them," I said, looking at F/n's arm, "chips?" He asked,

"It's where they can track us from anywhere, " Shuri had answered. "How do you know?" She asked, looking at me,

"In F/ns blood stream something is blocking it, it's nothing like a blood clot" I answered looking at her, "how did you know it wa-" "I was healing her" I answered grabbing F/ns hand, I had made a knife again, showing it to her and putting it up to her arm, and cut a tiny hole on her arm and squeezed out the chip to show the others, "he might have more" I said looking at him as he held onto his mother's arm.

"I will not let you cut him," Shuri said looking at me as if I was the enemy, "then do it" I said handing her the water like knife as I walked to him kneeling in front of him, "may I" I asked holding out my hands, he had nodded and held my hands, I closed my eyes as I started to control his blood stream healing some small cuts on him, "1..." I counted, "2..." I continued looking, "2" I said opening my eyes again looking at him, "here, and here" I said pointing to his side arm and where his rib was,

Shuri had made it quickly to his side, I stood up grabbing Nakia hand that was already outreach, I did the same thing as what I did to Toussaint, healing the big or small wounds and finding the chips, "1" I said having my finger on it, as shuri came to her side I had went to Toussaint and healed him again as he cried from the pain on the blade, I touched shuris shoulder and repeated the steps, "1" I said touching the chip, I had healed Nakia up, i could feel myself get weaker from all this healing. I was about to do shuri before she had slapped my hand away. It didn't hurt as bad, but the sting at the end was something,

"I do not need your help," she said, holding her wound with the knife in the same hand. I watched at the knife turned into water as if it was never there, "Fine," I said, walking towards F/n to heal her wound,

"Amazing" a voice spoke, I turned to see it was k'uk'ulkan, to be honest, I don't really understand what's so amazing about my abilities, I just gave him a smile and turned back to F/n, she had gave me a look like she knows something I don't, "weirdo" I said to her as she just gave me a big smile,

"Táan listos" (they are ready) another voice had said, I turn to see it was the tall man, at a closer look he had an animal skull on his head, "we are ready" k'uk'ulkan had repeated to us, "we're swimming?" Toussaint had asked, "only for a little bit, until we reach some animals, then we'll switch to another animal," k'uk'ulkan had told the boy and started to walk in the ocean, they all started to follow, as I watched them in the ocean but still standing,

I know it's not much, but I wanted to give you guys something for valentines Day. Happy valentines Day, loves

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