First I love you

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Wednesday:Oh boy you think it took her awhile for affection.Verbally affection such as those three words were very hard for her.So it was about five months into your relationship.You weren’t mad at her as you knew these emotions were new.But it never stopped you from saying them.It was after a fight you got into with some normies.You were sitting in the infirmary.You were beat pretty bad as you passed out from shock.When you woke up your heard an argument.”I swear if they die I will kill you with your own medical instruments.”You knew that voice.”Wednesday!”You tried to sit up but you were in too much pain.”Lay back down Y/n.”Wednesday slightly pushed you down.”Who was it?”Wednesday's murders aura came back.You sighted “I don’t know I was waiting for the bus back and i got  attacked from behind.”You looked away.Wednesday sighted “At least you're not dead.I would rather be the cause of that.”You laughed slightly “I love you to weds.”You smile.She kisses your hand “Ti amo mon chier.”You raised an eyebrow “Weds!! I don’t speak italian!”You pouted.She rolled her eyes playfully “You’ll figure it out one day.”

Enid:It was about two months into it.You were laying down with her head in your lap.You were reading a potions book.”Y/n!! I want attention.”She was pouting.You laughed slightly “A few more pages pup.”You smiled at her but turned back to your book.You didn’t notice the smirk on her face.”Y/n!!”You hum in acknowledgment.”I love you!”She kisses your stomach.You turned flustered and you looked down at her.”E-enid!”You hid behind your book.”What it’s true!”She pulls the book away from you and cuddles you tighter.You roll your eyes.”I love you to sinclair.”

Yoko:It was honestly about a few weeks.Yoko is a huge flirt and loves affection.You were sitting with Yoko in the quad.When she lays her head on top of yours.”Y/n did I tell you I love you.”She smiles a toothy smile showing her fangs.You turned red “N-no.”You look away.She just smiles “Well now you know!”She kisses your cheek.

Bianca:She loved making you flustered.But she hasn’t said I love you yet not wanting to go overbroad.So it was about three months into your guys relationship.You both were sitting in beside the lake.You two usually go there to be with each other.”Hey addams!”You looked up to the siren.”Yes?”You didn’t notice how close she was.”Wanna fence?”She gives you a challenging smirk.You smirk right back “Fine amor.But I won’t go easy on you.”You stand up and grab your sword.You both get in your stances.You both were not going easy on one another ut thats just what you did with one another push the other as much as you could.You were about to get Bianac when you saw a smirk grow “You know I love that you can kick my ass.That’s one of the reasons I love you.”You became flustered and she took the shot.You were still read but remained calmed “I-I guess that was a good distraction.”You weren’t going to give her the satisfaction.She cupped your cheek “It might have been but it was true.”She winked at you.

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