Let's check out the other side

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Marina Pov
Once Ah ended ma talk with ma little brother I decided to go see if Roddy was awake. Normally he would be doing his overly fluffy hair right now because of the fact he's perfect. I walk into his room to see him as expected doing his hair.

 I walk into his room to see him as expected doing his hair

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He always had to look perfect he always had to be the best. She understood it. She also has low self-esteem. "Hey lil Gator" "Don't call me that". I came into his room and the proceeded to mess up his hair by taking out one strand. He freaked out and went to put it back into his hair and then messed up my hair by ruffling the hell out of it. "So, you been talking to Roxy recently" "Nah she can handle herself," said Roddy. He was never the brother who would go and check up on his family that much. He would much rather go when he was needed other than that he would stay with the people in the now. Roddy was never treated fairly, and the consequence was that he was now self-conscious and now he wanted to make himself perfect for everyone and everything. I have a similar problem but my reaction to it is different. Once I got mad at him for stealing my spotlight before Freddy, Chica, Roxanne and Monty were here. Before it was Glamrock Flora, Glamrock Chico, Roddy Wolf and me Marina Gator. We were very popular, and we would even do tours because we were much older than the new Glamrocks. But soon enough we had been hypnotized by Vanny. We had to be replaced because they thought we were too dangerous even though we had no control over ourselves we had managed to get away by going into a place were almost no one had gone. Cyprus. Thats what it was called. It was a colder and much deadlier place than the world we live in. There are different people who live there. The ones like me are called Strifes. We hold magic. Monty is one of them. As well as me. We can also give our lovers magic as well as children. I am with Flora now and we have kids. 7 to be exact. The girls looked like Flora and the boys looked like me. We have 3 girls and 4 boys. 2 pairs of triplets and one boy. The girl's names are Faith, Frida and Fiona. The boys are Mateo, Matthew, Marcus and Michael. I think that Faith has probably one of the rarest gifts she can destroy things with her voice. Whenever she sings she breaks something. Mateos power doesn't work without Faiths he can only repaire things that Faith broke. He can chose but only things that Faith broke. Matthew is my strongest he is like me. Flora had gotten the power of future site and telekinesis. I love her so much. She uses her powers to play with the kids, clean and train the kids a bit. My family is my everything and I will do anything to protect them from harm.

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