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Marina POV

BTW the triplets are 6 and the twins are 7 and Michael is 8. The girls hate to get their weapons taken away and taking baths. Same goes for the boys. Michael is most likely the most mature but is also the one that can cause the most mischief.

As I was roaming around, I then saw 2 little girls. They were both brunette and it was a bit weird for 2 random girls that I have never seen before being here. Of all places why here. I then go to where Flora is. She can handle children better than I ever could. I can handle children but not as easily as she could. I find Flora in our bedroom on the bed. We had managed to make a very comfy home. We were a bit amazed by our work because this was a deadly place and we had made a comfortable living space. I walked up to her put my forehead on hers and said, "Hello my queen". She blushed and said, "Hello my king". Most would think of her calling me a King as weird, but we explained that most people see me as the male of the relationship, so she started calling me her king to rub it in a bit. "I need your help you see while I was looking for the boys, I saw two little girls. I need you to come with me and help get them get to safety". Flora nodded her head and then I lead her over to where I had last seen them. I then see the same little girls running around. The smaller girl falls and gets herself hurt. "Are you okay young one?".

Georgia POV

I fell on to my face on the way to one of the little houses. They looked like they were made with cranes, but they were made by hand. It amazed me how someone could make something that big with just their hands. "Are you okay young one" asked a random person. I looked up and saw a woman with blonde hair and blue and red highlights and another with red hair. They both had worried faces and they were looking at me and Ginny. Ginny froze and stared at them not. I did the same. The blond haired one then carefully grabbed me and then looked at my face to see if I was injured. The red haired one went over to Ginny and then looked at her to see if she was injured as well. They didn't seem mean they were nice. Maybe they weren't like that gay couple that we saw before. I mean we did walk in on them while they were having sex, so I guess they had a reason for it. But still. Both of them grabbed us and then brought us back to their home. It was beautiful. We both were a bit confused to see 7 kids in what I was assumed the living room. "If these kids are theirs, they had Hella sex," said Ginny. She was more inappropriate because she was older than me and Gregory. "I heard that". Ginny froze I look back to see who said it and it was the red-haired girl. She looked at Ginny with her eye narrowed as if she wanted to kill her. If looks could kill Ginny would surely be dead by now. Ginny just stayed frozen in fear. i didn't want them to know that we had a brother, so I stayed quiet. Ginny did the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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