Chapter 1: beningings

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(Oh yeah I forgot to mention the reader is a man)

(Side note as I'm writing: this is very much a "3am fic" and it shows.)

Y/n pov

Apparently god created man for woman and woman for man. I think god created me for the man on the screen. He's strong. He has a fast food franchise. Jack Box. He's so pretty, I want to give him a kiss on his beautiful cheek. I feel like he could protect me from everything that I fear, and that I could comfort him when he feels down. But he didn't seem like he had even felt down. He was so confident. He stood on top of the world. He wouldn't ever look down at me. He stood on a pedestal where I could not climb to catch his attention. I hopelessly stared at the screen, listening to his voice. I rewound the stream, just to hear it again.

Jack pov

I sighed. Yet another employee to fire. Not even for anything important this time. Just for another suggestive advertisement recommendation by that guy I thought I fired years ago. I guess he just never left. I'm going to find a replacement for him as soon as I can.

Y/n pov: (next day)

I was passed out on the couch again wasn't I? Jesus, I'm a mess. I can't seem to get him out of my head. The tv was still on. Maybe I should get a job. I got off the couch and tiredly walked over to the the computer. I looked up some job websites, hoping for something to keep my mind off of Jack. Then I saw it. A job opening at the Jack in the Box headquarters. I would get to  meet him in person. I clicked the application link, and put in my information. I submitted the application, hoping for an interview.

Jack Box pov:

"it's only been a few hours, how do we have so many applications?" My assistant obviously didn't quite realize how popular the franchise is.

"Just set interviews for the ones that won't do the same thing the last guy did. And don't let the same guy as before get through."

Y/n pov:

I decided I would go back to sleep. Nothing until tomorrow, right?

(Next day)

I woke up in cold sweat from a nightmare. It was horrible. My mother yelling at me because I'm unemployed and can barely pay rent, dying alone, you know, that stuff, and wasps. Wasps were always a thing in my nightmares. I shook it off and checked my computer. An email notification from Jack in the Box. I had an interview appointment set for noon tomorrow. I quickly got showered and set out nice clothes for the next day. I'm finally going to meet the man that I had been crushing on for years. I set my alarm for 8:00 and hopped into bed. I wouldn't let the bedbugs bite tonight, cause I had an interview in the morning. I shut my eyes and let the dreams flow over me.

Y/n dreaming:

"Hello, y/n.."

"Hello.." you responded.

A hand reached out of the shadow, with a strong form following. The masculine figure's face was covered by shadows.

You grabbed its hand carefully. It stepped out of the shadow to reveal Jack Box.

"Wake up"

Y/N pov:

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE- I slapped my alarm, almost knocking it off of the edge of the nightstand. I got up and pull the suit I had set out the day before on. I quickly tied my tie and slipped on my suit jacket. I looked really fancy, and honestly kinda hot.. but something was missing..

I put my hair into a ponytail. That was it. That was what was missing. I think.

Jack pov:

"Thank you for your time."

"We'll consider hiring you. Thank you."

I waved to the door gently. I wasn't gonna hire this guy. Total bozo.

"Next up!"

I watched the door, waiting for the next interviewee, and soon I saw him. A (short/tall/average height) person strolled through the door semi-confidently. Not a great first impression, but still better than.. some others.

As I interviewed him, he gained more confidence and answered freely, and surprisingly, very honestly. Much more honestly than some other applicants. Someone I may consider, though he seemed like he had something he was hiding that might get him in trouble, but I ignored that, he'd tell me later on.

"That's all the time we have. You're free to leave."

"Thank you."

I watched as he walked out. He was likely to make it. He was the only one actually trying.

End note:

I can't think of any more ideas, so if ya have any, please let me know.

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