Chaper 2: oh jesus what did i start 😨

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This story is such a shart in the pants-

Wait what happened in the last chapter I dont rember
Oh well—


Y/n pov:

Another email from Jack in the box. I opened it. I got the job. I was so overjoyed, I nearly jittedted my jorts.

Jack pov:

I hope this isn't a mistake.

Next day (idfk-)

Y/n pov:
I got dressed for my new job and headed out the door.
"Hello, y/n!" My neighbor called out to me. What was her name? I don't know- I've literally known her for 3 years! "Hello!" I yelled back.
"Angelica!" I heard a voice say behind her. That was her name! Who said her name, though? Maybe she finally got a partner. Good for her.

(Shit that got off topic-)

Anyways, I got to work on time and I was even earlier than I thought I would be. I was directed to the 3rd floor. The same floor I was sent to when I came for the interview. The same floor that the man himself worked on. I was directed to go to office 3c. It was close to both the coffee lounge and Jack's office. I sat down on the chair behind the desk. One of those chairs with the fake leather lining and the wheels. It spins, too. How am supposed to concentrate on work when not only is my boss the hottest guy I've ever met, but I have a spinny chair? Kinda unfair.

I set my briefcase on one side of the desk and powered up the computer on the other side. What was my job again? Oh yeah, I was supposed to come up with ideas for ads and get them made.

(Few hours later or something idk-)

Still y/n pov:

Omg I forgot coffee- how could I? I get up and walk out of my office and into the open air. I turn to the lounge and walk in. I make myself a cup of coffee, not realizing that somebody was walking up behind me.

(Should I make this a choose your own adventure story or just keep one storyline?)

(Edit: should the person behind y/n be Jack or should I introduce a co-worker character?)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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