🎟️🌸❤️Screech X Gn!Reader

522 12 15

Tw: swears (uwu)

Me when i have 3 smutt chapter to do be like: 😭

Nobody's POV:

(Y/N) walked down the long hallways,, with one clear goal in mind: get out of this place.

They didn't hate all the entities, they loved Screech! That cutesy cat like entity, despite its' tentacles, was very lovable.

Doors passed, door 20, door 21, etc. At door 25, the lights flickered. (Y/N) got in a closet, expecting Rush. Instead of him, came Ambush. Hopping in and out, (Y/N) almost got caught.

The screaming slowly stopped, untill it was no longer there.

(Y/N) sighed. They continued passing through the doors. Up next came a painting room, in which, OFCOURSE, Eyes had to spawn. (Y/N) was annoyed, but they figured out that it'd be better if they just simply ignored Eyes, being careful not to look at them.

They passed and up next came the seek chase, being an early one, at door 35.

Arose the one, Seek. The chase has begun.

(Y/N) passed throught all the crawl spaces and the right doors, and the chase has ended just like that. It was too easy. (ez!!1!)

The next door was a dupe room.

"Door 42... Or door 43?" this bugged (Y/N). They decided to go with door 43.... It was the right one. You could almost hear Dupe angrily sighing within his room.

(Y/N) giggled, and continued to pass through the doors. Door 45 had a dark, lock room.

"Shit.." (Y/N) pulled out their lighter, which had a little under half fuel.

The search for the key begun. The fuel slowly ran out... After 5 minutes of searching, the lighters' fuel completely ran out. (Y/N) angrily threw the lighter at the wall, but unexpectedly, they heard an 'ow'.

"Screech-" (Y/N) realized. ['oh fuck...'] they thought. They didn't mean to hit Screech.

Screech angrily bit (Y/N)'s shoulder, causing their glasses to fall off.

"For fucks' sake Screech! You know i didn't mean it! I couldn't even see you! I'm sorry, okay?" (Y/N) apolagized, trying to find their glasses.

Screech didn't say anything for a while. He grabbed (Y/N)'s glasses and gave them back.

"I'm sorry for biting you.." Screech layed next to (Y/N), and (Y/N) pat Screech.

"It's okay. I've gotten through worse stuff than a simple bite like yours. Plus you're just like a cat. You only show love when you want to, how you want to." (Y/N) said, just as guiding light lit up the rooms. They could hear something.. A voice in their head telling them to keep searching for the key. But they didn't care. Not at all. They just wanted to spend time with Screech. The one they were hoping to meet, deep inside. All they wanted was to befriend Screech. Why? They don't know. It's just what they wanted, for what seemed like a long time. They craved another misunderstood being to befriend. They weren't alone. Finally, after years of waiting, they found someone, no, they found multiple beings just like them! Misunderstood!

Screech looked at (Y/N)'s face, their warming smile, everything about them was just perfect. There wasn't a single doubt, theese two would get along just perfectly.


Yayayaaa i loved this anyway im gonna take a lil break since i have lots of homework to do and i hope you guys understand 👍

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