Chapter 5: Mall Shenanigans

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Hanji's POV

Arriving at the mall a few minutes before our scheduled meet-up, I waited for Erwin with a smoothie from a nearby stand. It wasn't long until Erwin came through the doors with a big, fat grin. Our eyes met and he quickly made his way toward me. With that twinkle in his eyes, I knew that we were going to be doing something fun. He said this would've been embarrassing, but I don't see how.

"Follow me," he says, nearly tugging me along. "Can you catch up to me?"

"As long as I can take my smoothie. I'm not wasting a perfectly good smoothie just to follow you in the mall."

"You can take the smoothie. Just come on, we're going to run out of time."


*   *   *

Erwin dragged me to a bookstore called Lansinger, and I didn't know it that well. I hardly go to this mall. But seeing a bookstore this close to home, I might start going here. Sometimes, it's better than going to a library. Pushing that aside, I watched Erwin slink inside the store, and I followed his lead. We sneaked to the very back of the store when Erwin starts to point at someone. It took me a long time to realize it was Levi.

Cautiously, Erwin takes my hand and we ambushed Levi together. "Hey there, shorty!" Erwin shouts at the top of his lungs and jumps onto Levi. Upon being jumped, Levi shielded himself and threw a punch with his right fist. Erwin didn't expect the punch.

"What are you doing here?" Levi hisses between his teeth. He turns to me with red cheeks. Erwin was right: this was embarrassing. Poor Levi. "I'm working."

"Levi, I talked to your manager- you're not supposed to be working today." Erwin nudges him, chuckling. "Come on, hang out with us for a little while. I know you're emancipated, but spend time with your high school friends." Erwin goes on and on, trying to convince Levi to leave his work for the day.

In the end, it works... after I began to beg him. Levi goes up to his manager, rolling his eyes when he mentioned us. The manager didn't mind it at all. Levi will still get paid for the day and he can hang out with us. I was surprised that the manager was that nice, but it meant that Levi was lucky. Maybe I can work for this bookstore as a part-time job.

Together, we walked around the stores. Erwin kept joking and having me try on clothes as Levi just watched. I swear I could've seen him glancing over at me when I tried on some clothes. But after that, we went to pet shops. We all agreed to never buy a pet at those shops, only to adopt from rescues. 

I've learned a bit more about these guys. Erwin was more of a puppy person, always attached to a dog. And Levi... he was a cat person. The world around him blended into nothing as he held this beautiful black cat. He didn't hear us when we called him away to another store. I think he must've stayed in place for a few minutes before he was able to put a cat down. I do not doubt that if he can take care of a cat, he would've adopted one. 

Around 1 pm, we went to the food court to grab a bite. Levi ate a sub sandwich while Erwin had a burger. I had Chinese food. Levi was slowly opening up, but he still clammed up about personal details. Despite Erwin trying to get him to talk, Erwin never mentioned anything personal about Levi. As if he was waiting for Levi to do it on his own time. Nevertheless, Erwin wanted Levi to talk to me.

We were looking at another store when my mom called me. I didn't realize I was at the mall for over 6 hours. 

"Hey Mom," I say, "You called?"

"I am. When are you guys done?"

"Well... I'm not too sure..." I turn to Erwin and Levi, "Hey, how much longer are we going to be here? My mom's wondering."

"We might take a bit longer. If it's okay with your mom, my mom can drop you off at home. Is that okay?"

"Mom, can I be dropped off by their mom? That way you don't need to."

"Do you have your key? Your dad and I are going on a trip for a quick meeting. We'll be back on Monday morning."

"I do, Mom. Am I getting pizza again tonight?"

"The usual."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later, Mom. I'll message you when I get home. Bye, Mom."

"Bye, Hanji." 

I hang up, turning to my friends. "Your mom can drop me off." I wanted to cry because they were leaving on another trip, but I get it, it's their job. "I just need to message my mom when I get home. Other than that, we can spend a bit more time here."

Erwin walks off to inform his mom about a new passenger as Levi comes up next to me. "You're not that great at hiding emotions. I'm assuming your mom has something to do?"

"Yeah... they have a meeting. They don't work at the same job but in similar departments. Hence why they are going on so many meetings."

Levi nods his head. "So you're alone this weekend?"

"Pretty much."

"I know how lonely it gets. Here's my phone number if you want to talk." He takes out his phone and shares my number with me. "Again, I know how it feels. If you want to talk, we can talk." For the first time, Levi was speaking to me with kindness. Of course, he knew how it felt to be lonely. "Erwin's coming back."

On cue, Erwin comes back with a smile. "Mom says we can watch a movie at the theater before she comes and drop us home. She's going to be a while."

"Sure, that sounds fun. There is a movie I have been wanting to see..." We all made our way out to the movie theater. Turns out, they were all willing to see the same movie I wanted to watch.

On the way there, I was caught in the act by an old friend. "Hanji? Is that you?" I turn to the person speaking, seeing it was Zeke. "What are you doing here? I thought you moved away."

"Oh..." I turn to Erwin and Levi, introducing them to my friend. "Erwin, Levi, this is my friend, Zeke. Zeke Jaeger. He was on the speech and debate team last year."

"And still am, Hanji. You still didn't answer my question.  I thought you moved away."

"No, I'm still at the same house. Just a different school. Roslin."


"Got a problem with that?"

Zeke shook his head, "No. I'm just... surprised... why Roslin? You were great at speech and debate-."

"I found a new love: science. I don't want to do speech and debate anymore. That's why I chose to go to Roslin, Zeke. Roslin... it's so different than Libera. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Zeke."

"It's fine." He waves it off and began to walk away. "Sorry, I have to do something. We can talk later, okay? I'll see you later, Hanji."

"Bye... Zeke..." He walked away before I was able to say those words. With a heavy sigh, I went with Levi and Erwin to the movie theater. Despite it being a movie I wanted to see, I couldn't focus on it. I didn't want to think about it... but I left him behind... sorry, Zeke...

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