Chapter 15: Be saved and be mine

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Doryoku, mirai, a beautiful star
Doryoku, mirai, a beautiful star
Doryoku, mirai, a beautiful star
Doryoku, mirai, a beautiful star

Akira: The fuck you're doing

A-kun: Just banging while writing the bitch that I hate in CSM

one thing to add note, I can't write long chapters cause I'm lazy, I should improve my idea thinking stuff so that it will go back to 2000+ words or just that I'm tired or something

Some where near Arc City

A nun is currently with a child in the forest to gather seeds that grow and might help for the Orphanage's garden

Griseo: Mama Aponia what are this things

A blue haired teen ask the nun pointing at a dye flower

Aponia: It's a type of flower that makes dye, it'll be a great help for your painting and we may not use money if you use that

Griseo: I'll find more of this so that Mama Aponia won't spend more money

Aponia: Of course, just don't get too far

Griseo took many flowers as she can and then trailed into a demon eating a dear. The girl was curious so she went and approach the demon. It's not the 1st time she sees one, she sees one on a dialy basis but she's new to this kind

Griseo: Hello, mister

The Herrscher faced Griseo

Kevin: Leave before, you'll just be scared of me anyways

His voice was much more intimidating and scarier which made her flinch but her curiosity got ahead of her

Griseo: It's okay, mister. I won't hurt you

Kevin: But I can-...

Kevin take a look at the child it was familiar. Griseo one of the members of the Flame Chaser

Kevin: ...Don't come near me, it's better that you won't have to deal with me. Not anymore...

Griseo did not listen but just come near him

Kevin: What?

Griseo: I'm curious why did you become like that?

Kevin: It's best to not know

A lightning struck to Kevin but easily deflect it

Aponia: Griseo!! Come here!

Griseo run towards Aponia

Aponia: It can't be... Why are you here demon?! Leave us alone!!

Kevin's head then suddenly filled with rage, voices came back to call him a demon, the one that killed who was dear to him. The incarnate of the devil, doom of humanity which Kevin was never fond off

Kevin: ...

Just as that Kevin was struct by Aponia's lightning, Kevin was feeling fear, he's not a demon but a human trapped in a demon's body

Aponia: Leave! Before my judgement will reach your demise!!

Kevin left without putting up a fight, knowing that nun is suspicious but her innocence made him leave. He knows if he give in, the girl and the nun would die on his own hands. 

During his time in the Arc City time that he killed innocent lives because of they attack him first as well Himeko with just Kevin to look at. He developed severe schizophrenia which even more worsen his mental health, voices would come and tell him about his mistakes. The time that he killed his own squad, the time that alleged him with murder towards Elysia's death, the time that he actually killed people. With it Kevin has been suppressing his emotions that most of it become unbearable for him to handle

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