Chapter 19: Makima

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An explosion suddenly appeared behind her back.

Helix: Hahahahaha! How's that?! this is my first attack in 50000 years!

Helix notice a invisible spherical shield as the smokes pass through her like there was a sphere

Makima: Doing that is illegal, y'know

Helix: Hand him over or things get badly

Makima: I can allow fight but handing him over, I have to apologize

Makima formed a finger gun then fired a compressed air to which just knocked Helix's Kevin Killer

Helix: Hell yeah!! That's a hard hit... What kind of a monster are you

Makima: And I suppose you are too

Helix: Oh me? No no no, I am a human however I'm just better than anyone. Fire!

Invisible cannon suddenly appeared in Makima's face only then just to explode as well her house

Makima: I have dogs and I don't want them dead... Specially this puppy

Makima said as she creates a portal and dropping Kevin in.

Helix: Of course he is...

Makima: ...

Makima charged to her as a spear just created out off nowhere as she took a hit on Helix the space and time itself were being fractured before coming back together

Helix: Hoho.... I'm even more excited, let me just-

Helix's Kevin Killer explode as she turned into her other personality whilst armor are being assembling through her with the destructed parts

Vill-V: Let me tell you, Makima... Facing one herrscher killer may enough to kill you but you having such power equal to KEVIN... It's just so amazing... Now then, let me show you the power of the Almighty Vill-V

Vill-V said as she formed a mecha fist then punch both their fist together creating a spark

Makima: Very well.

Makima charged to her as they exchange reality bending blows together.

Vill-V: Impressive, but is that all you got

Makima: I'm not even at my 50%

Vill-V: Then give me all!!

Darkness surrounded them as Makima let out an imaginary space to create a space for her true form. It was simple as she wore a black dress as her hand to arm level gone dark into color of a cosmic system. A yellow halo with bluish color appeared in her head.

Vill-V: Quite weird... Herrschers are not meant to look like that

Makima: I'm a special kind, Vill-V. Well then, 5th member of Flame Chaser, Helix... I will let you see the prime of the Herrscher of Sovereignty

Vill-V: Impressive... But have you heard of technology? Mankind's greatest invention

Vill-V snapped her finger as a spotlight suddenly faced her as she opens both arms

Vill-V: I specifically made this to destroy the 14 herrscher but KEVIN said I couldn't use it but now... Herrscher of Sovereignty, I accept your offer but I yet cannot expose my final form. All KK; Overdrive Form!

Makima: Hmph... I'm not even a herrscher

Vill-V: That makes it harder. Ex Machina!

Portals open on her end as all of her technology meant to kill honkai and KEVIN as well Kevin himself appeared, Nihilus type monster would appear, mimicry of honkai beings yet made from mechanical, improved giant mechas that no genius can ever make, ships that are cannons almost resembling the Selene-ship technology.

Vill-V: Now then experience the power of 2nd god key... Herrscher of Sovereignty.

Cannons are then being fired at her direction, Makima tries to hack into its system but couldn't do it

Vill-V: I see that you try to hack it with your powers but let me tell you, Makima. These babies are powerful than you think. They are capable of Killing Kevin himself hence the name Kevin Killers these babies are as well used in battles and made sure that Herrscher of Reason cannot manifest these technology of mine

Makima  point out her arm as a large layered shield as Vill-V's beam came contact with her shield it slowly breaks as Makima feels the 90% power of a MANTIS. Makima let the beam get through the shield

Makima: I'll tell why I am called the Herrscher of Sovereignty, Vill-V

Makima twist her arm up as she snapped her finger as soon as the beam break through the barrier. Cannons appeared to surround her shooting her to pieces. Portals appear in Vill-V's end surrounding her as well. Her beams spawned in

Vill-V: This is bad

Vill-V's mecha suit created a shield that can withstand the power of the END. The Shield is protecting but slowly breaking due to her own beam being so strong.

Makima: As you see, I sovereign everything I seek to control. Be it people, the weather, the herrscher, elements, atoms and even time and space itself. I can control everything I seek to control... I am omnipotent, Vill-V. Much more Powerful than a last herrscher from any era or worlds

I am the death bringer of gods

Vill-V: Tsk... That's it, I'm out of here.

Light sparks in Vill-V's position, the light grows as it blinded Makima. The light shade out and seems that Vill-V left. Makima coughed and seems to hurt herself.

Makima: It's the first time I got hurt in a while.

Makima feels light headed and left in the backyard to sleep.

Kevin wakes up in the middle of the night with just Makima not being there.

Kevin: Maki?

Kevin looked for Makima everywhere, then he finds her in the Backyard with some damage in the property.

Kevin: What the-

He rushed to Makima and checked her vitals. She was still breathing fine, no problem whatsoever. But the thing is, she can't wake up. There's a sign of weakness

Kevin: Maybe she's tired. If she can't wake up tomorrow, I'll bring her to the hospital by afternoon.

Kevin seems unaffected because of the trials but... his god-like demeanor still have limitation. Even still stoic, he can't help but care too much. He didn't even ate dinner nor prepare it, not even sleeping but waiting for Makima to open her eyes then he can sleep. She has helped him too much it's only "little" for him to this debt paying. Even hungry, his focus is onto Makima, even sleepy, his focus is only onto Makima. He wants Makima to recognize his caring self for her, he still wants to be notice by her, to let her know that he is for her.

Kevin: Ellie... 

Silence came to him then he tries to remember the name he mentioned just now...

Kevin: Who's Ellie?

Kevin said in confusion...

Guess who's back....

Itsu me! Reigch!

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