Chapter 16: Helping

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Since this week is the last week I'd update this Book, I have to do early before doing it again in 2 months. tomorrow will the Chapter 17.

With the day end, Makima and Kevin sleep in her warmth both lovingly being with each other.

Kevin slowly drifted of to sleep, quicker than he did before waking up being in a dream. Kevin and Elysia met again, he was in bliss however. Her eyes were different. It was full of rage like how it felt for him back then

Elysia: ...

Kevin: Ellie

Elysia urked in disgust

"Elysia": Don't call me that again, you monster

Kevin: Huh, I thought you love m-

"Elysia" smirk and put her left arm to her chest and her right arm slightly above that doesn't cover her mouth

"Elysia": Did you seriously fall for that? How pitiful. To think that most powerful einherjar would just fall to a joke... HAHAHAHHAHA How hilarious!

"Elysia": I'm so sorry for what I'm saying but you did not obliged to what you oath, you let me died! You killed people even when I don't want them dead? You're the worst person to be alive, you have no reason to be in this world and lastly... This is not me

"This is not me" What do she mean... Kevin was quite confuse but utterly destroyed emotionally. To think that Elysia would say such a thing... No... No, it's not possible

"It is possible..."

???: I guess you've insulted him enough

Makima appeared to his side then point out a gun finger to her

"Elysia": Heh... Now you have a new girl and this one?! What would you do then?

Making: Bang

"Elysia"'s half disappeared as her waist spurted blood, She screamed in agony 

Elysia: Kevin!!! Don't listen to her!!! COME BACK TO ME!!! HELP ME PLEASE!!!

Makima looked at Kevin to which he looked back as well

Makima: The door has been open, Kevin... let's leave this place before she'll get to us

The scenery change as they are now in between the moon. KIANA charge into both of them try to kill Makima and then warns Kevin

KIANA: Do not be deceived by her brother!!

Makima: It's impossible... you will just hurt him in the end... Isn't that right... Kevin

Makima turns to Kevin with blood spats on her face. But in the end he didn't listen to the warnings. He helped Makima battles against the TRUE END

KIANA: Please don't do this!

KIANA formed into her giant self

KIANA formed into her giant self

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