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Archaeological site.
Karnataka .
The metal detector started beeping. Lokesh started digging the ground. He found a small box. He opened it and found a manuscript in it. He opened it and read it. It is in Sanskrit. It also had some pictures in it. He started decoding it. He said, "It looks like this manuscript is about a temple." "More specifically, the drawings in this manuscript are related to Siddheshwar temple in Haveri."
He moved next page . He saw a statue of Bhagwan Shiva. He then again moved to the next page, where he saw a picture of a diamond.
"Hurray! ""We found a map for finding some kind of diamond." He said this, turning to his friends, Arjun, Ritu, and Janani.
Janani said, "Loki, we better hand this over to our professor."
Arjun said, "Are you mad?" "We have a map to find a diamond, and you are asking to give this precious thing to our professor." "If we find that diamond, we can become rich as hell."
Lokesh said, "I am going to the temple tonight to find the diamond." Who else is coming with me?
Arjun and Ritu raised their hands.
"Jaanu, are you not coming with us?" Asked Lokesh.
"Look, this thing looks so risky, I better not come with you, and please stop thinking about this thing." Said Janani.
"We are going, that's all!" And we don't force you. "By the way, if we don't come by tomorrow morning, you shall complain to the police."
"Okay! ". Said Janani in a dull mood.
That night, Lokesh, Arjun, and Ritu went to the temple. But they didn't return that night. So Janani complained to the police. Police found the dead bodies at a huge well in the backyard of the temple.
The police took the handbag .The handbag belongs to Ritu. The handbag contained the manuscript.
The police took the dead bodies to the hospital for postmortem. In postmortem, they found that they were grievously murdered.
Janani decided to find out who the killer was.

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