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It was already evening when I stopped at Yoks bar. I was angry, exhausted and uncomfortable. Eyes stared at me from different angles and I could hear whispers going around the bar.

Coming here was a bad idea, I know. My status as bodyguard had been elevated after I married Kinn. I know I wasn't supposed to be here but it was too late. I sat on a chair and faced the bar. Jom was  preparing drinks for other customers when he did double take after he saw me.

"Oiiii.... Porsche shiaaaa... what are you doing here?" Jom said loudly. His face excited as he walked to my side. I motioned to him to tone down his voice.

"How are doing?" he continued, "how is your mafia husband? You look so good. He must be doing a good job taking care of my friend, mm."

"Jom stop please. I'm fine." I replied not really excited.

"Why is your face like poop? Is something wrong? Did they treat you badly?"

"No, it's not like that, it's just..."

"Jom can you stop gossiping and go serve the customers!" Yok walked toward the bar and pushed Jom away from me. I finally smiled when I saw Yok.


"Porsche, long time no see or hear," she  rubbed my shoulders and gave me a quick hug. "Why so stiff?"

"P'Yok," I made a cute face at her, "I think I might have made a mistake?"

Yok's face scrambled. She sat down beside me. "What kind of mistake is that?"

I swallowed before mustering the courage to sum up the cause of my anxiety in two words. "Marrying Kinn."

Yok chuckled. "Can I take your position huh, what are you talking about?"

I shrugged. "I just found things that made me not to trust him."

Yok adjusted herself in the seat.
"Did he cheat on you?"


"Did he hit you?"


"Then what sort of stupid mistake are you talking about? Look around the bar."

I looked around.

"Do you see potential men in their prime age around, all are waiting for an opportunity to take your position, or even smash you. So honey be careful what you wish for."

I wiped my face in frustration. It wasn't a good idea for me to tell Yok the details about my problems. The walls have ears. I would handle it myself.

I had never put in real thoughts to how my father really died. He hid a lot of things from me and Porchay but we felt he was a busy man. Now that it has come to light, I had to investigate and be sure Kinn had no hand in my father's death.

I couldn't even bear to think about it. My heart hurt at the moment. I love Kinn but I hate him too. I didn't want to face him just yet.

Jom passed me a drink and I gulped it down in a flash. I asked for another one.

And I drank it all. I was gradually getting tipsy. By the time I got the third glass, I felt a hand collect the glass cup from me.

I turned to see a young man in a loose white shirt, the sleeves were folded up to his elbows, revealing tattoos that depicted mafia and gang symbols. His long  blonde hair was packed in a ponytail behind his head. He eyed me closely like he knew me.

"Why is a lovely sweet guy like you alone and drinking so much?" he said in a sweet seductive accent.

"Why are you bothered about it?" I retorted.

Wanted For Life 2 [KinnPorsche] Where stories live. Discover now