22 🔫

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"Come here babe," I said.

I scooped Kinn in my arms not minding Pol who was driving but seemed to be emotionally invested in our story. Kinn rested his head on my shoulder, snuggling warmly to my side, hugging me tightly. I was happy he allowed himself to be vulnerable with me. I missed him so much.

It hurts that you can be married but feel very distant from your partner. I didn't want that for both of us.

I kissed his forehead. "I'm not going anywhere my love."

"I believe you Porsche."

I rubbed my neck and felt a sharp pain somewhere, but I didn't take it seriously.

I took a deep breath and relaxed on the backseat, feeling happy that I was safe and back with Kinn.

I glanced at Kinn. He had done his best. I only told him some secrets of what Jack told me. I was in dilemma right now. I shouldn't trust Jack. I tried to fight his thoughts from my head. It's something I would do on my own.

I didn't want to hurt Kinn's feelings. Not today. Not ever.

When we arrived at the mansion, the other bodyguard led me to Pa's study.
He requested to see me first.

Chan greeted me first. "How are you doing?"

"Fine P'Chan."

"Were you hurt?"

"No I'm perfectly fine." I lied. A sharp pain pierced through my neck again. I only flinched for a second and ignored it again.

Pa was sitting on the sofa. He motioned to the space in the sofa, telling me to sit beside him. That space was always reserved for Kinn, his favorite.

It felt like an honor to sit beside Pa. I greeted slowly and sat beside him. He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed.

"I'm glad to see you together in one piece."

"Pa, Kinn wouldn't let Jack go. He almost killed him." I tried to lighten the air with sarcasm.

Ps's face remained serious. "I hear he was arrested."

I nodded.

"What Jack did is unforgivable in the mafia society. Maybe I should step in and deal with him myself. But all the same. Welcome home."

I swallowed. "Thank you Pa."



Porchay was first to give me a hug as soon as I dropped from the car. I didn't expect it. I paused and warmly tapped his head. He started sobbing on my chest and I wished that was not the case.

"Everything is fine," I said calmly.

"Thank you P'Kinn. Thank you for saving my brother.'

"As long as I'm concerned, such thing will never happen to Porsche or any member of the family including you, do you hear me?"

"Okay." Porchay nodded sniffing his nose.

"Don't be scared Porsche is fine." I said firmly.

"Thank you." Porchay wiped his face and strode into the mansion.

Kim who was standing by the corner glared at me.  "Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Everyone was worried, how did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Finding Porsche within hours and getting Jack arrested."

"You've forgetten who your brother is huh?"

"Please don't do that again? Don't make Porsche angry, it never ends well. You see why the two of you have to stick together?"  Kim gestured with his hands emphasizing how serious he was about me and Porsche sticking together.

I sighed. "I learned the hard way this time."

Kim nodded. "I'm glad you're home bro."
He gave me a quick hug.


I called Pol and gave an order to secure every one of my businesses.

The other bodyguards were running around making sure to put things in place as I requested. Security protocol was beefed up. I didn't want to relent just because Jack had been arrested. I don't trust that guy.

After greeting Pa, he suggested I go to the sauna to relax. It was a good Idea. I strode down to the spa section of the mansion. Taking off my clothes, the maid brought some towels for me. I tied one towel on my waist and relaxed in the bath.

The heat was uncomfortable yet relaxing. I thought of calling Porsche to join me, but I thought I should leave him, he would want o spend time with his brother Chay, and probably rest a bit.

I inhaled deeply allowing the steam penetrate my body. I had just closed my eyes and began imagining myself at the beach, with Porsche sipping pineapple juice. That reminded me of taking a vacation. It been years since we took a vacation. Escaping Thailand and taking Porsche somewhere far, spending time in the wilds and natural would be a good idea.

I thought of the places to visit, Hawaii, Bali, Maldives...

Where would Porsche love to be? He was a cool and pretty man who also loved connecting with nature. Maybe Bali would suit him.

A soft smile line my lips as I imagined his reaction when I tell him of the plan. Or maybe I should get tickets first.

While I contemplated my move I heard footsteps marching toward the sauna.

Followed by a banging on the door broke my thoughts.

I opened my eyes, surprised as Bas walked inside the sauna panting. "What is it?"

"Boss, it's khun Porsche."

"What about him?"

"He's not moving." Bas said rather sentimentally. "He's not responding."

I sprang from my sitting position and took a white robe form the hanger. I quickly wore it over my body and dashed outside.

"What do you mean he can't move? Where is he?"

"He lost consciousness so we took him to your bedroom."

This was not the kind of news I wanted to hear. Not in the middle of an already brewing war.

I rushed down to our the penthouse, jogged up the stairs and burst through the door of our room.

Porsche was still wearing the suit I bought for him. He looked suffocated in it. I unbuttoned the suit and took it off his body. Opening the shirt buttons I revealed his skin which felt prickly wet with sweat.

I scooped Porsche in my arms but his head tilted to the right towards my chest. His arms went limp. I tried not to panic but my heart skipped. I wiped greasy sweat from his forehead. "Porsche."

I tapped his cheeks. "What could be the problem?" I muttered.

Porsche wasn't moving or responding.

"Porsche?" I called again. "Answer me."
His breathing started hiking. His teeth grinded together like he was having a seizure.

No. I was not about to lose the love my life. "Call the doctor! Now!"


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