27 🔫

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After the rain, we walked down to a street shop and got some snacks. Walking down the wet streets with my lover by my side was therapeutic.

For a moment I felt like myself again, free from all the burdens of the mafia world.
"Ten sticks of Satay please," Kinn said to the lady who was selling snacks along the street.

"Ten sticks will be enough?"

Kinn nodded. "It's for my baby here. He eats alot when he likes something."

I laughed. "He likes Khanom krok (coconut pancake), so give him ten pieces too."

"Ahh I see. I'm guessing you both are a couple, right?" the lady commented.

Kinn glanced at me and I blushed. "We're married actually."

A shock lined the woman's face and she smiled. "You two are undoubtedly perfect for each other. One is so handsome and the other one is very cute."

I glanced at Kinn and we both laughed. We collected our snacks and walked all the way back home. Taking time to reminisce on old times.

I laughed out loud as he told some dad's joke. This was the Kinn I wanted to be with. This was the Kinn I love and will always love. Except some times when the past comes crashing in, I have to take responsibility and take action for once.

Sending Kinn to the forefront of a mafia war that originally started because of me was never my intention. I choose to end this myself, with or without Kinn.

We retired to our bedroom exhausted and tired from the long walk. Kinn changed the clothes and plopped his body on the bed.

"Are you not coming to bed?"

"I will join you. I want to wear my pajamas, I feel a bit cold."

"Is it the rain?"

"Mmm." I nodded. I wore a clean blue, pajamas and got into bed. Kinn scooped me in his arms and cuddled me. "Let me warm you up huh," he said as he massaged the contours of my back. "Feel better?"

"Yes. Thank you."

It wasn't long when Kinn closed his eyes and dozed off. I watched him for a while admiring the smile lines on his face. His straight, dark hair laid across his forehead and his milky white skin. I wished if I was to come back in my next life as a man or woman, Kinn will always be my first and only lover.

I battled with myself to leave or stay. There was no other way to do this. I had to leave. My phone alarm went off. I quickly reached my hand under the pillow and turned it off. It was a quarter past 4am.

There was also a message notification from Vegas. He had accepted to help me track Jack. I checked the time, it was 4am.

I grazed Kinn's warm cheeks with my fingers and moved strands of hair away from his eyes.

"My love, I will be back soon. Please don't look for me." I whispered.

I planted a soft kiss on his hand. And slowly crawled out of the bed. I opened the bedside drawer and took the mafia ring Pa gave to me. Taking a deep breath I slid the expensive piece into my right index finger.

This symbolised my full loyalty to the Therapanyakul family.

After seeing Kim yesterday I went to the security room to get some weapons. With Bas and the other bodyguards out, it was easy to gain access to the weapon room. I stashed some guns and bullets cartridge in a bag, and hid it behind the flowers at a spot by the penthouse.

I had already mapped out my movements. I left through the room window, and took a detour through the gardens behind the penthouse. Before I left, I turned off the electric security bordering the fence. Green vines had over grown the area, I easily leaped over the iron fence and jumped down on the other side.

Armed with a gun, some loaded cartridges, my phone and a map, I slipped away through the window and took off into the night with my bike.



The next morning was a buzz. I stood by the window and stared out into the horizon. The window was still open exactly the same position as Porsche had left it.

My mind was scrambled at the moment. I felt like I was standing between the devil and the deep blue sea.

Waking up to not see Porsche was not even the problem, somehow I had expected that, but I never knew it would happen so soon.
No matter how tempting it was for me to over react, I chose to remain calm.

A tap at the door got my attention. I turned to see Time and Tey walk in. I nodded a greeting at them. Tey came over to stand by my side.

"What's happening Kinn?" Time greeted.

Tey asked. "Kinn, how have you been?"

I forced a smile. "I'm not fine, not going to lie."

"You don't have to lie. It's normal to feel this way. I got the latest development from Chan. About Porsche."

"Yeah, I wonder what he is up to."

"He's not up to anything aside from saving your name and your dignity."

"I promised to protect him, but not if he's acting this way." my voice was spiking.

"Hey, you don't need to make it seem like love is complicated. Porsche is a man too. Allow him to exercise his right to also protect you."

"You don't get it."

Tey crossed his arms over his chest. "Tell me, Is there something I don't know?"

"Recently Pa made him a heir in the family."

"Oh that's good news. He wears a coded mafia ring now?"

"Yes he does."

"Oh wow... Well deserved."

"What he gets entangled with the wrong people again, that ring spells doom for him," I said furiously.

"Kinn, stop being dramatic. Porsche knows what he is doing. Or is there something else you are not saying?"

I had a quick flashback, from the day I introduced Porsche to my friends up until we got married, there had never been one day we acted out of line. Tey still saw me and Porsche as the model couple.

I bit my tongue as I tried to find the right words.
"You see," Tey said. "You can't blame Porsche for acting this way. Just come over it and maybe join forces with him already."

"What if something happens to him?" I breathed.

"Look, Porsche is not just any guy. Nothing will happen he will be back. Are you going to stand there and keep sulking?"

I shook off the negatively feeling. I gained a little clarity now talking with Tey.

Time joined us. He held his iPad and tapped the screen. "I think you should see this."

I moved closer. It was a video clip from the news. Time tapped play on the screen and we listened closely.

'A truck filled with fifty people have been intercepted by the police. It was revealed that a first truck claiming to carry wheat and rice made its way past the police checkpoint until the police got curious.
Right now the police are investigating how fifty people were tied up and dumped in the back of the truck. Sources claimed they were kidnapped....'


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