The Funnier

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Porn Uncharted

Sam says hey what's this

Shows Nate and Rafe porn

Rafe looks like he is ready to kill someone and no reaction amused

Sam says it's Nate banging Rafe

Rafe says I'm gonna kill whoever drew that

Nate says hey come on Rafe it's just a drawing not like it would happen

Sam says okay what about this

Shows Rafe banging Nate

Rafe says nothing then says same thing

Nate laughs

Sam says okay then how about Nadine and Elena?

Rafe looks triggered and tries punching Sam

Nate laughs

Then Sam says okay me and Sully?

Rafe says I'll kill you!

Nate laughs even more

Then all three laugh

Then Sam says hey so what about this

Shows picture of Feral banging both Rafe and Nate

Rafe looks super triggered that's me you too you idiot!

Nate laughs uncontrollably non-stop

Then all three laugh

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