There Is Food In One Of The Largest Cities In The World

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January 13, 2011, Japan's Airspace

Mikoto rested her head against the window of the bio-ship, lost in thought.

It was one in the morning.

The Team had made an agreement to take the bio-ship to Academy City without telling the League, because there was no way Batman would have let them. Mikoto had fried the tracker in the ship, so it would be a while before they were found.

"Railgun?" Kid Flash poked Mikoto's face. "Railgun? I have a question!"

"What!?" Mikoto yelled, her patience dying a slow, painful death.

"Is there any food in Academy City?"

Mikoto was silent for a moment, before electricity crackled around her head.





"YES, YES!!" Kuroko cried as Mikoto's shocked her. "THIS IS THE LOVE OF MY SISSY!!! TAKE THAT FLASH BOY!!"

"Kid Flash..." Kid Flash muttered from where he was lying on the floor. "Oww... Railgun... you're violent..."



"Railgun, please stop injuring the Team." Aqualad sighed, rubbing his forehead. "We need to think of a plan."

"I'm having trouble concentrating..." Robin muttered, covering his ears to avoid Elena's jabber.

"You're so cute in 2011!" She yelled, pinching Robin's cheeks. "You look really stupid with your mullet, so this is very refreshing! You don't lie, you were adorable!!"

"Elena, you have issues." Artemis deadpanned.

"Well, at least I'm not named after a stupid cat!" Elena snapped, before she winced. "Whoops. Spoilers."

"What?" Artemis frowned. "I'm named after a Greek-"

"Can we just talk about the mission plan?" Superboy interrupted. "I mean, seriously. People are dying."

"Hmmph." Kid Flash snorted. "Easy for you to say, you won't be nursing electrical burns for the nex- I'm sorry!!! I mean, yeah Supey!!! Whatever you say!!!" He added quickly after noticing Mikoto's bangs sparking.

"Good job." She muttered.

"The plan is to find out what's happening." M'Gaan said. "We need to find the place Railgun saw Mental Out killed, and from there track the scientists. After that, we interrogate them, and find out what they know. If it's only some sick, twisted experiment, we take care of it... but if it's big, we call in the League."

"I still can't believe you met superheroes, Sissy." Kuroko sighed. "But, I also can't believe you have to socialize with that idiot."

"Right here!" Wally said, his jaw dropping. "I can hear you talk!"

"You know," Artemis began. "It's really good we all speak both Japanese and English, or this could get awkward."

"Extremely." Mikoto agreed.

"Who's doing the interrogation?" Robin asked.

"I am." Mikoto and Superboy said simultaneously. "No, I am!! Me!! Stop doing that!!"

"You both can do the interrogation." Aqualad broke up the argument. "Don't worry."

"Going into camouflage mode." M'Gaan said.

"And so am I!" Wally said, pressing the lightning bolt symbol on his chest. His suit instantly changed until it was all black, despite the lightning bolt, which remained red.

"You know, Railgun, you really need a premanent suit." Robin commented as his suit did the same as Kid Flash's.

"Don't remind me." Mikoto muttered, looking down at her outfit, which was a black tee-shirt with yellow hearts and jean shorts.

"Don't feel bad, Sissy!" Kuroko tried to comfort her. "I still have to wear my Tokiwadai uniform!"

"We're landing." Kid Flash said as he looked out the window.

"Finally!" Elena ran out of the ship as soon as it was slightly possible for her to do so without dying. "I thought we were never gonna land!"

"Well, you thought wrong." Artemis commented. "Because we did."

"I liked you better as a w-"

"I feel like you don't like dear Arty in the future." Robin interrupted. Elena chuckled awkwardly.

"Well... let's just say... I kinda left a bad impression... whenever I traveled to 2016, before I came here... and it just went south from there..." Elena scratched the back of her neck as the memory ran through her mind.

"I'm so happy Nightwing brought me back from Speedforce." Wally, dressed up in a lovely tux smiled. "As disturbingly cheesy as it sounds."

"Right on both counts." Artemis chuckled, looking down at her snow white dress.

"Now then, Artemis Lian Crock," The preacher began. "Do you take this man, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, until the day death do you part?"

"I do." Artemis said without a trace of hesitation.

"And do you, Wallace Rudolph West, take this man, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, until the day death do you part?" The preacher asked Wally, and just as he started to answer...

"Don't do it!!" Elena yelled as she busted through the doors. "She isn't the one!! It's Ar- oh." She laughed awkwardly. "This is Artemis, isn't it? You aren't Jinx..."

"What'd you do?" Wally asked. "Dye her hair purple?"

"No, no, that was Jason." Elena explained.


"You haven't met him yet."

"So, where did you see it?" Superboy looked at Mikoto with a raised eyebrow. "Not to sound insensitive."

"You failed." Mikoto deadpanned. "But, over here." She took off, and the others followed.


"Has Misaka learned of her heritage yet?" A man under a cloak asked.

A woman with red hair and a very... revealing... outfit shook her head. "No."

"She needs to." The man muttered. "She's one of the few of her kind left. We need three full bloods for our plan to succeed."

"Three?" The red haired girl raised an eyebrow. "But sir... the boy is only half..."

"No... there is another girl..." The man contradicted. "She is already here, we just need to find her..."

"Oh?" A man with white hair and multiple piercings slammed his fist on the table. "And how far along we with that?"

"You need to learn when to shut your trap, Nightfreak." The red haired girl snapped. "It could get you killed one day."

"Like I give a crap, Roxy." The pierced man sneered, before grunting in pain as the girl kicked him in the face, sending him flying into the wall.

"Don't call me Roxy." She said with narrowed eyes.

"We shouldn'tttttt argue."A man with long golden hair interrupted. "We need to focus.We gottttt Railgun ttttto ttttthe Justttttice League, didn'ttttt we?"

"Yes." The man in the cloak folded his hand. "We need to focus. We are the View, and we do not falter."

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book 1: Lightning FlashWhere stories live. Discover now