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I was flying low following the na'vi and saw the huge tree I encountered earlier today, "down there, tell her to sleep in the branches above" Neytiri said from behind me pointing at the big tree, I commanded her to fly down landed not far from the pa'li who just got here, "ki'ya, sleep in the tree branches" I said pointing upwards hoping she understands me, she screeched before flying up into the branches, the 'sky person' came running up with some na'vi dragging him, me and Neytiri started walking the na'vi and the sky person following us, we walked through the tribe them staring confused at me and the sky person, a few people hit us making me shrink back behind Neytiri,

We walked up to a spiral staircase Neytiri brought me and the sky person a bit further forward than her tribe "stay there" she instructed me, she turned to a older looking na'vi "father.. I see you" she started, he walked down from where he was walking around me and the sky person "these creatures.. why do you bring them here?" He asked as he walked back up to Neytiri "she is a na'vi like us. She is from the cave tribes south from here" she said looking over at me before glancing at the sky person for a moment "I was going to kill him.. but there was a sign from Eywa" she said eyeing her father "I have said no dreamwalker will come here" he said

"what's he saying?" The sky person spoke looking at Neytiri "the alien smell fills my nose" Neytiri father spoke again ignoring the sky persons words as the na'vi around us laughed "hey. What's he saying?" The sky person spoke louder "my father is deciding wether to kill you both" Neytiri said not making eye contact with him once but staring at the floor near him, the sky person paused looking like he realised something "your father?.." he spoke before walking forward "it's nice to meet you sir" he held his hand out before multiple Na'vi including me pulled him backwards "what are you doing!" I said pulling him backwards "step back!" Someone shouted making everyone go silent, i turned around seeing a older women na'vi walking down the spiral staircase "I will look at these aliens" she said walking towards the sky person "that is mother. She is Tsahik" Neytiri spoke to the sky person, my ears perked up at the mention of 'tsahik', this must be Neytiri's mother, "the one who interprets the will of eywa" Neytiri continued as the women walked around me and the sky person "who's eywa?" He spoke to Neytiri as the women lifted up the sky persons braid and tail inspecting him then doing the same to me

"what are you called?" The women spoke looking at me and the sky person in the unknown tongue 'does everyone speak his tongue but me?' I thought "Jake Sully" he spoke, she looked at me moving her head sideways slightly "what are you called?" She asked still in the sky persons tongue "she does not speak English" Neytiri said taking a step towards us, her mother glanced at her before looking back at me "what is your name?" She asked "Ovikia ky'ani'kia" I said bowing my head gently in respect "where are you from?" She asked "i am of the mo'atiana clan. We live in the Achaika caves" I explained, she nodded her head before taking out a small blade and pricking my shoulder, i hissed softly in pain quickly regaining my composure, she spread the red fluid on her tongue "she is not a dreamwalker" she spoke looking at Neytiri motioning to me before turning her attention to the sky person, Neytiri held her hand out to me and I walked over to her "mother knows you mean no harm" she whispered smiling softly at me "what about him?" I asked "he is a sky person, a dreamwalker, an alien species, us two may know he doesn't mean harm but the na'vi have suffered greatly at the hands of sky people" she explained as her mother circled the sky person again "what is his name?" I asked "he has said his name is Jake Sully..if they speak, I will translate their words for you" she said smiling at me, i looked over seeing her prick him with a small blade just as she did with me spreading the red fluid on her tongue "why did you come to us?" Neytiri's mother spoke to the sky person or 'Jake sully' "I came to learn" he said almost instantly "we have tried to teach other sky people, it is hard to fill a cup which is already full" she replied, "my cup is empty, trust me" he spoke glancing at Neytiri translating them to me "just ask Dr. Augustine, I'm no scientist" he added smiling looking around at us "what are you?" Neytiri's mother asked "I was a marine, I- uh, a warrior of the jarhead clan" he tried to explain "a warrior! I could kill him easily" Tsu'tey jumped in lifting his bow up only for Neytiri's father to block him from moving forwards "no! This is the first warrior dreamwalker we have seen." Neytiri's father said not looking away from Jake "we need to learn more about him" Neytiri's father said looking around his clan "my daughter.. our guest.. you will both teach him our way" Neytiri's mother spoke walking up to us "to speak and walk as we do" she finished "why me? That's not fair, Ovikia does not have to help" Neytiri asked in protest of her mothers request "if Ovikia wishes to stay at home tree, she will help you teach" her mother replied holding her hand up to stop her daughter talking "it is decided, my daughter and Ovikia will teach you our ways, learn well Jake sully, then we will see if your insanity can be cured" Neytiri's mother spoke to Jake, he bowed his head in response.
Time skip- idk how long :/
"The feast is beginning, come" she said translating it for Jake as he trailed behind us adjusting his new traditional na'vi clothing every now and then, we walked up the spiral staircase seeing the whole clan surrounding a fire while chanting and singing, once we walked near them they stopped talking and stared at us "good evening" Jake spoke waving a little, a few na'vi looked unnerved and slightly stood up "please don't get up" Jake interrupted holding a hand out to stop them, "excuse me" jake spoke as we walked past a few na'vi he accidentally stood on someone's tail making them hiss at him "sorry-" he exclaimed trying to get out of the way, we walked up to Neytiri crouching next to her before she walked away to join her family, i looked to see Jake looking lost, i saw the food near the fire and looked at Neytiri,she pointed at it nodding "come, food" i said standing pointing at the food at the fire "what?" He spoke 'well this is great, the two people who can't communicate' "come" I said holding my hand out motioning him to follow me "okay.." he looked confused to say the least but stood up anyways following me, I brought him to the food motioning him to stay as I spoke to the na'vi cooking "do we just take food?" I asked, she smiled at me and nodded "yes, here" she said handing me two bay leaves with food on, I turned to Jake holding one out to him, he carefully took it and smiled "thank you" he said slightly bowing his head, i smiled at him nodding my head back to him, we walked back over to where we were before and crouched down to eat
Time skip - after food
"Come, you and Jake will sleep next to me" Neytiri spoke before translating it for Jake who nodded, we walked across a few branches untill we got to some almost see through beds that are basically floating, Neytiri instantly jumped down swinging into hers Jake following a second after to the one next to her, i looked at the bed seeing the drop beneath it "ovi, it is safe you don't need to be scared" Neytiri said sitting up to look over at me, i glanced at Jake seeing him laying down in the bed, I climbed down gently standing on it gaining my balance, i layed down quickly calming myself and looked over to see Neytiri and Jake looking at each other, she sighed and pulled the one side of the bed making it light up slightly and close around her, Jake looked at me seeing my confusion and smiled copying her movements, I reached for the edge of my bed pulling it gently seeing the pink light eliminate my hand and the almost vine like walls close around me, I got comfy and not long after fell asleep
Jake's POV:
"Jake. Jake!"
"He's coming out right now"
"Jake. Jake!" Grace shouted shining a bright ass torch in my eyes "come on back, kid. Come on. That's it." She said slapping my face, i looked around realising I was back at the facility and in my paralysed body "there you go, there you go, there you go, your okay, your okay... damn! You were dug in like a tick" she continued as they helped me sit up "is the Avatar safe?" Grace asked making me smirk "yeah doc, And you are not gonna believe where I am" I laughed
Time skip until morning (still jakes POV)
"The last thing we see is this marines ass disappearing into the brush with this angry thanator coming after him" grace said making the whole table laugh "hey, it's not something you can teach" I smirked eating my food "that is awesome" Max said smiling "you know, for reasons I cannot fathom, the omaticaya have chosen you, god help us all" Grace joked shaking her head
Mini time skip ig
"'jarhead clan'?" Colonel Quaritch said with a amused look on his face "mmm-hmm" i hummed smiling making him laugh "and it worked?" He looked around in amazement "hey I'm practically family.. they're gonna study me, I have to learn to be one of them" I said leaning forward onto the table "that's called taking the initiative, son, I wish I had 10 more like you" colonel said walking away

"look, Sully, Sully... just find out what the blue monkeys want.." parker said making me remember the girl from the other tribe "they're not all blue" I said making them stop and look at me like I'm crazy "what, what do you mean they're not all blue?" Parker asked leaning on the table "there's this one girl she's from a different clan, her and a blue one found me first, the blue on must have found her not long before they found me" I explained "what did she look like" colonel asked crossing his arms "she looks exactly like blue na'vi but she has white skin, like paper white with light blue streaks, uhm, she has blonde hair and green eyes, she's a little shorter than most of the clan" I said trying to remember details about her "does she speak English?" Parker asked "no, I haven't had the chance to speak to her yet because we can't understand each other" I chuckled "but she speaks the same language as the blue monkeys?" Parker asked again "yea she was speaking to the clan perfectly fine" I nodded "okay, we'll have to document that" Parker said motioning for one of the his workers to go and document it

"well next time your there see what they want you know, I mean we try to give them medicine, education, roads but no, no, no, they like mud. And that wouldn't bother me, it's just that they're... hey, can you.. can somebody just.. sector 12" he said moving someone to do it for him "okay, go, go, go, stop, stop! Rich stop! That's.. Jesus" he said as the guy went slightly past it "their damn village happens to be resting on the richest unobtantium deposit within 200 klicks in any direction" he explained, i looked at the tree seeing the amount of unobtantium underneath it "I mean. Look at all that cheddar" he said laughing "well who gets them to move?" I asked "guess" colonel said like it was blatantly obvious, I scoffed shaking my head "what if they won't go?" I asked looking up at them "oh, I'm betting that they will" colonel said standing up walking over to the table again

"okay okay okay okay hey, look look... killing the indigenous looks bad, but there's one thing that shareholders hate more than bad press and that's a bad quarterly statement, I didn't make up the rules, so just find me a carrot that'll get them to move otherwise it's gonna have to be all stick okay?" He said looking at me "you got three months. That's when the dozers get there" colonel said chipping in "well, we're wasting time." I said looking up at them "I like this guy" Parker smiled tapping my back and walking away
Time skip
"Okay, let's run through them again" grace said showing a picture of Neytiri's mother "Mo'at, Dragon lady" I said as we walked(or wheeled😀) to the pods, she showed another photo this time of Neytiri's father "eytucan" I said rolling ahead of them "eytukan. He's the clan leader" grace corrected me "but she's the spiritual leader. Like a shaman" she explained "got it" I said stopping by my pod as she showed me another photo "t'su'tey" I said climbing up onto the pod "Tsu'tey" she corrected "Tsu'tey." I repeated as she continued "he'll be the next clan leader" she said switching to another photo "Neytiri" I said not taking my eyes off of her "she'll be the next Tsahik, they become a mated pair" she explained

"how come you don't have any photos of this albino cave tribe as Parker's calling them?" I asked "well we didn't know they even existed untill today, what was she like?" Grace asked "she was nice, saved my life, gave me food" I laughed "did she have the same braid as the na'vi?" Grace asked "she is a na'vi, Neytiri and mo'at confirmed it, and yes she has the braid but the rest of her hair is like dreadlocks" I explained her making them look in almost awe "what's her name?" Grace asked "uh Ovikia something, but Neytiri keeps calling her Ovi" I said furrowing my eyebrows "Ovikia. Beautiful name" grace smiled, "see if you and Neytiri can teach her English, na'vi learn very fast maybe you can communicate with her soon" Grace suggested shrugging her shoulders slightly

"so who's this eywa?" I asked "who's eywa?!" Norm asked shocked "only their deity, their goddess, made up of all living things, everything they know! You'd know this if you had any training whatsoever" norm said annoyed and walked away "who's got a date with the chiefs daughter and the newly discovered Albino na'vi?" I smirked holding up the photo of Neytiri "come on, that's-" "All right, knock it off, you two" grace said interrupting Norm "let's go, village life starts early" she continued pushing me to lay down in the pod "don't do anything unusually stupid" grace deadpanned before smirking at the end making me smile and shut the pod.


Imma end that chapter there cause I cba to write rn and it's 5:20Am sooo yeah
(2613 words)

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